Creating a question

To create a quiz question, follow these steps:

  1. First, go to Quiz administration | Edit Quiz. Then, click on the Add link:
  1. A pop-up window will be displayed. Select a new question:

This will be a two-step process. First, you will create a question, and then you will add it to your quiz.

To create a question, perform the following steps:

  1. From the pop-up window, select the type of question that you want to create:
For an explanation of the different types of questions, refer to the Question types section.
  1. Click on the Add button. This will bring you to the editing page for that question. The editing page will be different for each type of question, but some features will be the same for all types of questions. This is shown in the following screenshot:
  1. The question name is what the teacher will see when building and reviewing the quiz. Students don't see this field. Make the name meaningful to the teacher. For example, Leaf Question 1 will not be a very descriptive name, but Principles of Bio-Chap8-Pg3 will tell you the source of the question. If you forget what a question says, you can always click on the button next to the question to preview it.
  1. Question text is the actual question that the students will see.
  2. General feedback (not shown in the preceding screenshot to save space) is the feedback that students will see for this question, no matter what answer they gave. For more information on question feedback, refer to the Adding feedback to a question section.
  3. Enter the choices (answers) for the question. You can enter feedback for each choice:
  1. After you save the question, it is added to the list of questions in that category. It is also automatically added to the quiz, as shown in the following screenshot:
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