Feedback for a numeric question

The next screenshot shows feedback for a numeric answer question:

Note that General feedback explains how the question is solved. This feedback is displayed to everyone after they answer the question, even those who answered correctly. You might think that if the student answered correctly, they don't need this explanation. However, if the student guessed or used a method different from the one given in General feedback, explaining the solution can help the student learn from the question.

In a numeric answer question, the student types in a number for the answer; this means the student can enter literally any number. It will be impossible to create customized feedback for every possible answer, because the possibilities are infinite. However, you can create customized feedback for a reasonable number of answers. In the following question, I've created responses for the most likely incorrect answers. After I've given this test to the first group of students, I'll need to review their responses for the most frequent incorrect answers. If there are any that I haven't covered, I would need to add them to the feedback for this question.

In the following screenshot, note that each response has customized feedback. Answer 1 is correct, and Answer 2 would be the result of switching the two numbers while trying to solve the problem. As this is a likely error, I've included feedback just for that answer, explaining the error the student made. Answer 3 is the result of interpreting b3 as b times 3 instead of b cubed. This is also a likely error, so I've included feedback for that answer.

Answer 4 is a wildcard and will apply if the student submitted any answer other than the three mentioned earlier:

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