The grading strategy

A workshop assignment is quite flexible in the type of the grading scheme used. This setting determines the overall scheme.

In the Accumulative grading strategy, the grade for each element is added to arrive at the accumulated grade. This style of grading enables you to present the reviewer with a numeric scale. You can also present the reviewer with Yes or No questions. One of the questions is does this workshop meet the requirement? Alternatively, you can present the reviewer with a grading scale, such as poor, fair, good, and excellent. If you do use a Yes or No, or a grading scale, you will assign a point value to each response. Consider informing the reviewer of the value of each response. For example, instead of just writing poor, fair, good, excellent, consider writing poor (1 point), fair (2 points), good (3 points), or excellent (4 points).

When Comments is selected for Grading strategy, students can comment on each assessment element, but they cannot select a grade; however, teachers can grade students' comments. In this case, the workshop is transformed from where students grade each other to where the teacher grades each student's comments.

A workshop that uses Comments may be especially useful when you want to have a structured discussion on material that you present to students.

As a course creator, you can present the students with material that has been uploaded to the workshop or use the workshop's description to direct students to the material they must assess. After the students have viewed the material, they enter the workshop and leave comments according to the elements presented. As the workshop requires that students comment on clearly defined evaluation elements, the students' discussion is structured and kept on track.

When you choose the Number of Errors option, students evaluate a workshop with a series of Yes or No questions. Usually, you create questions to evaluate whether or not the submission met a requirement, such as does the student have
a variety of opinions?

When writing one of these questions, ensure that it can be answered using only Yes or No. A sign that you need to revise your question is the presence of the word or. For example, don't write did the student describe the plant well enough to distinguish it from others? or is there still doubt as to which plant the student is describing? Such a question cannot be answered with Yes or No.

The answer to an evaluation question is sometimes very clear and sometimes subjective. For example, the question did the student describe the plant well enough to distinguish it from others? is subjective. One reviewer may think that the student did an adequate job of describing the plant, while another may think otherwise. These questions can be a good way to perform subjective peer evaluations of each student's work.

If the work requires a more objective evaluation (such as did the student include all five identifying features covered in this lesson?), you may not need a workshop. This kind of objective evaluation can be easily performed by the teacher, using an assignment.

For a rubric grading strategy, write several statements that apply to the project. Each statement has a grade assigned to it. The reviewers choose the one statement that best describes the project. This single choice completes the review.

You can create several such elements; the reviewers must select a statement for each of them.

Grade for submission is the maximum number of points a student can be given by a grader.

Grade for assessments is the grade that the student receives to grade other submissions. This grade is based on how close the assessment the student completes is to the average of all assessments for the same submission. For example, student A submits work and students B, C, and, D assess the work and give scores of 10, 9, and 5. The average assessment is 8, so students B and C will receive higher marks for their assessments than student D. In essence, the grade for assessments is the grade for grading purposes.

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