Creating course categories

You must be a site administrator to create, edit, and delete course categories. Perform the following steps to create course categories:

  1. If you're not logged in as the administrative user, log in now. Use the Login link in the upper-right corner of the page.
  2. You should be looking at the home page of your new Moodle site.
  3. From the Administration menu on the left of the page, click on Site administration | Courses | Manage courses and categories. This displays the Course categories page. In this page, you create new categories and courses. Here, you can also arrange the order in which the categories are displayed on the front page.
  4. Click on the Create a new category link. The Add new category page is displayed.
  5. Select where in the hierarchy of categories this one will be. In the following example, it will be a subcategory of Entrepreneurship:
  1. In the Category name field, enter a name for the category. Your users will see this in the category list.
  2. In the Description field, enter a description for the category. If you configure your front page to show a list of categories, the user will see this description on selecting a particular category. Enter some information in order to help your users decide whether this is the category they need.
  3. The category description can have the same features as any Moodle web page. For example, you can add a graphic to the category description, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. In Chapter 5, Resources, Activities, and Conditional Access, we show you how to use Moodle's web page editor. This is the same editor that you see in the preceding screenshot.
  2. Click on the Create category button. Moodle creates the category and redirects you to the Manage courses and categories screen.
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