The subscription mode

Selecting Force subscription subscribes all students to the forum automatically (even students who enroll in the course at a later time). Before using this setting, consider its long-term effect on students who took your class.

If you reuse the same course for a later group of students, the previous group will still be enrolled. Do you want previous students to be notified of new postings in
the current class's forum? If not, there are several solutions:

  • Don't force all students to be subscribed
  • Use groups to separate the current group of students in the class from the previous groups
  • Create a fresh instance of the course for each new group
  • Reset the course, which will unenroll past students
  • Create a new forum for a new group of students

If you select Auto subscription, everyone in the course is subscribed to the forum, but later they can unsubscribe. With Force subscription, the student cannot unsubscribe as long as they are enrolled in the course.

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