Viewing grades

To access grades, select the course that you want to see the grades of, and then select Grade administration | Grader Report; this displays a summary of the grades for that course:

Note that, in the preceding screenshot, some students have not completed the first assignment in this course, From Concept to Reality.... Also, note the Turn editing on button in the upper-right corner of the page; the teacher can use that to override the grades being displayed by entering new ones. When the teacher clicks on that button, the grades on this page become editable.

In our example course, the teacher wants to investigate the lack of grades for the From Concept to Reality... assignment, so they will click on the name of the assignment, which takes the teacher out of the Grader report and into the assignment itself. In the following screenshot, note that the Navigation bar at the top of the page now shows that we are viewing the assignment:

The Grader report is the teacher's starting point for examining the grades in a course. It also enables the teacher to enter updated grades. From there, you can click into individual activities and investigate or modify the grades.

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