Grading an assignment

In the previous section, you saw how a student submits an assignment. When assignments need to be graded, Moodle will notify the teacher by displaying a message on the teacher's Dashboard page:

The assignment can also be configured to send an automated email to each teacher to alert them of the submitted assignments.

Moodle does not supply a link directly to the assignments that need grading, but does supply a link to the course. If you click on the  icon, it will list the incomplete assignments in that course and provide a link to each of those assignments.

The system administrator can configure Moodle so that when a user logs in, they are automatically taken to the user's Dashboard page. This is done in Administration | Site administration | Appearance | Navigation, and by selecting My home as the default home page.

The teacher enters the course and opens the assignment. Moodle displays how many assignments have been submitted and the number of assignments that still need to be graded:

The grading page for the assignment enables the teacher to open all the submissions and enter a grade for each submission:

When you create the assignment, you can enable feedback comments and feedback files. If you do that, the teacher will be able to enter the comments and files while grading the assignment, shown as follows:

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