The overall feedback

Moodle enables you to create several different kinds of feedback for a quiz:

  • You can create feedback for the entire quiz, which changes with the student's score. This is called Overall feedback and uses a feature called Grade boundary.
  • You can create feedback for a question, no matter what the student's score on that question is. All students receive the same feedback. This is called General feedback. Each individual question can have its own General feedback. The exact type of feedback that you can create for a question varies with the type of question.
  • You can create feedback for a response. This is the feedback that the student receives when they select that response to a question.

The following screenshot shows Overall feedback with Grade boundary. Students who score 90 to 100 percent on the quiz receive the first feedback, You're a wizard..., and students who score 80 to 89.99 percent receive the second feedback, Very good!...:

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