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Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
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  • Work with the different types of custom modules that can be written for Moodle 3.x
  • Understand how to author custom modules so they conform to the agreed Moodle 3.x development guidelines
  • Get familiar with the Moodle 3.x architecture—its internal and external APIs
  • Customize Moodle 3.x so it can integrate seamlessly with third-party applications of any kind
  • Build a new course format to specify the layout of a course
  • Implement third-party graphics libraries in your plugins
  • Build plugins that can be themed easily
  • Provide custom APIs that will provide the means to automate Moodle 3 in real time

Learn to Create WordPress Themes by Building 5 Projects
Eduonix Learning Solutions

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  • Simple and advanced themes – covers basic syntax and files along with archives and search pages
  • Photo Gallery – add simple animation and use the W3.CSS framework to design a photo gallery theme
  • Wordstrap – incorporate Twitter Bootstrap into the theme and use the WP_NavWalker Class
  • E-commerce Theme – build an e-commerce theme using the Foundation framework
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