
Book Description

Develop and evaluate quizzes and tests using Moodle modules

  • Create and evaluate interesting and interactive tests using a variety of Moodle modules

  • Create simple vocabulary or flash card tests and complex tests by setting up a Lesson module

  • Motivate your students to excel through feedback and by keeping their grades online

  • A well-structured practical guide packed with illustrative examples and screenshots

  • In Detail

    Moodle is a free Course Management System (CMS), which is a web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. Moodle also has many effective modules and assessment techniques for testing that can be used for any subject. Computer-based testing is inevitable in any online teaching course. As you consider the benefits of computer-based testing you will want to easily create tests and instantaneously assess them.

    Moodle 1.9 Testing and Assessment puts together a variety of modules and activities that allow us to easily create and deliver a variety of tests on any subject. It is a step-by-step guide that will assist you to develop and assess simple as well as complex quizzes and tests.

    You will initially learn to create different types of questions such as short answer questions, multiple choice questions, and so on. After you have learned to create questions, you will learn to integrate all of them in a Moodle quiz to create a complete test by tweaking the various options. Next you will learn to create and set up a Lesson, which you can use to create simple vocabulary or flash card tests or complex tests.

    You will learn to test and assess students through work submitted using Moodle Workshop. This module also provides an opportunity for self- and peer-assessment of your student's work. Then you will learn skill-specific tests such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing tests that will help you to judge a person's ability in a particular field. At the end of this book you will learn how you can grade tests using Moodle Gradebook.

    This hands-on guide helps you to establish optimal tests that can be graded using Moodle modules.

    A step–by-step tutorial that helps you to develop different types of tests using the various Moodle modules and activities and assess them using the Gradebook

    Table of Contents

    1. Moodle 1.9 Testing and Assessment
      1. Moodle 1.9 Testing and Assessment
      2. Credits
      3. About the Author
      4. About the Reviewers
      5. www.PacktPub.com
        1. Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
          1. Why Subscribe?
          2. Free Access for Packt account holders
      6. Preface
        1. What this book covers
        2. What you need for this book
        3. Who this book is for
        4. Conventions
        5. Reader feedback
        6. Customer support
          1. Errata
          2. Piracy
          3. Questions
      7. 1. Testing with Moodle Quiz
        1. Moodle-based tests
        2. What is Moodle Quiz?
        3. Creating our first questions
        4. Quiz features
          1. General
            1. Name
            2. Introduction
            3. Timing
            4. Display
            5. Attempts
            6. Grades
            7. Review options
            8. Security
            9. Common module settings
            10. Overall Feedback
        5. Creating a Quiz
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
            1. Save and return to course
            2. Save and display
            3. Cancel
          4. Editing
          5. Step 4
            1. Info
            2. Results
            3. Preview
            4. Edit
          6. Step 5
        6. Item choices
          1. Calculated
          2. Description
          3. Essay
          4. Matching
          5. Embedded Answers (Cloze)
          6. Multiple Choice
          7. Short Answer
          8. Numerical
          9. Random Short-Answer Matching
          10. True/False
        7. Options in True/False
          1. Category
          2. Question name
          3. Question text
          4. Format
          5. Image to display
          6. Penalty factor
          7. General feedback
          8. Correct answer
          9. Feedback for the response 'True'
          10. Feedback for the response 'False'
          11. Step 6
          12. After saving the question
          13. Question Options
            1. Sort
            2. Action
            3. Add to quiz
            4. Preview
            5. Edit
            6. Move
            7. Delete
            8. Select
          14. Select all/Deselect all
          15. Question Name
          16. Question Type
        8. Adding Questions to the Quiz
          1. Order
          2. #(Number)
          3. Question Name
          4. Question Type
          5. Grade
          6. Total
          7. Maximum Grade
          8. Action
          9. Show Page Breaks and Show Reordering Tools
        9. Preview the Test
          1. Question Name
          2. Quiz Name
          3. Question
          4. Submit
          5. Submit page
          6. Submit all and finish
          7. Fill with correct
          8. Start again
          9. Close preview
          10. Step 7
          11. Step 8
        10. Your turn
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
          4. Step 4
          5. Step 5
          6. Step 6
          7. Step 7
          8. Step 8
          9. Step 9
        11. Testing with True/False
          1. Simple
          2. Finding Value
            1. True/False in formative testing
            2. Self-assessment
          3. Weaknesses in True/False
        12. Summary
      8. 2. Multiple Choice Quizzes
        1. Getting started
        2. Categories and contexts
          1. Miscellaneous/Course Category
          2. Course
          3. Activity
        3. Multiple Choice item creation page
          1. One or multiple answers
          2. Shuffle the choices
          3. Number the choices
        4. Making a single response item
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
        5. Making a multiple-answer item
          1. Step 1
            1. Grade
            2. Partially correct feedback
          2. Step 1
          3. Step 2
          4. Step 3
          5. Step 4
          6. Results
        6. Question design and formatting
          1. Basic text formatting
        7. Adding images to multiple-choice questions
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
            1. Image URL & Alternate text
          3. Layout
            1. Alignment
            2. Border thickness
          4. Spacing
            1. Horizontal
            2. Vertical
          5. Size
            1. Width
            2. Height
          6. File Browser
          7. Preview
          8. Browse & Upload
        8. Manual adjustments
          1. Size
          2. Layout
        9. Adding multiple images
          1. Create Folder
        10. Multi-image multi-response
        11. Adding a Web Link (Hyperlink)
        12. Creating the Test
        13. General feedback issues
        14. Your turn
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
          4. Step 4
          5. Step 5
        15. Summary
      9. 3. More Question Types
        1. Short Answer
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
            1. Incorrect response
            2. Variations
            3. Spelling
            4. Multiple response
          4. Creating Short Answer
            1. Item #1
            2. Item #2
          5. Short Answer considerations
        2. Numerical
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
            1. Accepted Error
          3. Step 3
          4. Your turn
          5. Numerical considerations
            1. Variables and word problems
        3. Matching
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
          4. Step 4
          5. Step 5
          6. Your turn
          7. Matching considerations
        4. Random Short Answer matching
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
          4. Random Short-Answer matching considerations
        5. Calculated
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
            1. Correct Answer Formula
            2. Tolerance
            3. Tolerance Type
              1. Relative
              2. Nominal
              3. Geometric
            4. Correct Answer Shows
            5. Format
          3. Step 3
          4. Step 4
            1. Update the datasets parameters
            2. Param
            3. Range of Values
            4. Decimal Places
            5. Distribution
            6. Next Item to Add
            7. Add
              1. The manual way
              2. The automated way (The easy way!)
          5. Step 5
            1. Delete
          6. Step 6
        6. Creating a multi-variable item
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
          4. Step 4
          5. Step 5
          6. Your turn
          7. Calculation considerations
        7. Embedded Answers (Cloze)
          1. Short Answer—Cloze
            1. Step 1
            2. Step 2
            3. Step 3
            4. Step 4
          2. Numerical
            1. Step 1
            2. Step 2
            3. Step 1
            4. Step 2
          3. Matching
            1. Step 1
            2. Step 2
            3. Step 3
          4. Embedded Answers (Cloze) considerations
        8. Essay
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Essay considerations
        9. Description
        10. Summary
      10. 4. Creating a Quiz
        1. Getting started
        2. The General section
        3. Timing
        4. Display
        5. Attempts
        6. Grades
        7. Review options
        8. Security
        9. Common module settings
        10. Overall feedback
        11. Saving the test
        12. Designing the test
        13. Test introduction
        14. Section introduction
        15. Questions
        16. Remaining sections
        17. Adding to the Quiz
        18. Previewing the test
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
        19. Save
        20. Quiz results
          1. Overview
            1. Result table
            2. Deleting attempts
            3. Exporting data
            4. Preferences
            5. Results graph
            6. Regrade
            7. Manual Grading
            8. Item Analysis
              1. Q#
              2. Question text
              3. Answer's text
              4. Partial credit
              5. R. Counts
              6. R.%
              7. % Correct Facility
              8. SD
              9. Disc. Index
              10. Disc. Coeff.
            9. Analysis options
              1. Attempts to analyze per user
              2. Don't analyze if score is less than 'X'%'
              3. Questions per page
            10. Exporting data
        21. Importing and Exporting Questions
          1. Importing Questions
            1. File format
            2. General
              1. Category
              2. Match grades
              3. Stop on error
            3. Import from file upload
            4. Import from File already in course files
          2. Exporting questions
            1. File format
            2. General
              1. Category
              2. Write category to file
              3. Write category to context
            3. File name
        22. Quiz considerations
        23. Summary
      11. 5. Using Lesson
        1. What is a Lesson?
        2. Creating a Lesson
          1. General
            1. Name
            2. Time limit (minutes)
            3. Maximum number of answers/branches
          2. Grade options
            1. Practice Lesson
            2. Custom scoring
            3. Maximum grade
            4. Student can re-take
            5. Handling of re-takes
            6. Display ongoing score
          3. Flow control
            1. Allow student review
            2. Display review button
            3. Maximum number of attempts
            4. Action after correct answer
            5. Display default feedback
            6. Minimum number of questions
            7. Number of pages (cards) to show
          4. Lesson formatting
            1. SlideShow
            2. Slideshow width and slideshow height
            3. Slide background color
            4. Display left menu
            5. Display left menu only if grade greater than
            6. Progress bar
          5. Access control
            1. Password protected lesson
            2. Password
            3. Available from
            4. Deadline
          6. Dependent on
            1. Dependent on
            2. Time Spent (minutes)
            3. Completed
            4. Grade better than
          7. Pop-Up to file or web page
            1. Show close button
            2. Window height and width
          8. Other
            1. Link to an activity
            2. Number of high scores displayed
            3. Use this lesson's settings as default
          9. Common module settings
            1. Visible
            2. ID number
            3. Grade category
        3. Setting up Lesson
          1. General
          2. Grade options
          3. Flow control
          4. Lesson formatting
          5. Access control
          6. Dependent on
          7. Pop-Up to file or web page
          8. Other
          9. Common module settings
        4. Creating the Lesson content
          1. Edit
            1. Adding a Branch Table
            2. Adding a Question page
              1. Multiple Choice question
              2. True/False
              3. Short Answer
              4. Asterisk review
              5. Asterisk
              6. Plus sign
              7. Vertical bar '|'
              8. Parentheses
              9. Question mark
              10. Square brackets
              11. /i
              12. Missing Information
              13. Incorrect Information
              14. Combinations
              15. Numerical
              16. Matching
              17. Essay
            3. Clusters
            4. End of branch
            5. End of Lesson
            6. Import questions
            7. Import PowerPoint
            8. Reports
            9. Grade Essays
          2. Vocabulary drills
        5. Summary
      12. 6. Using Workshop
        1. Why use Workshop
        2. Finding Workshop
        3. Workshop features
          1. Submission Title
          2. Description
          3. Grade for Assessments
          4. Grade for Submission
          5. Grading Strategy
            1. Not Graded
            2. Accumulative
              1. Description
              2. Type of Scale
              3. Element Weight
            3. Error Banded Grading
            4. Criterion
            5. Rubric Grading
        4. Number of Comments, Assessment Elements...
          1. Number of Comments—Not Graded grade strategy
          2. Assessment Elements—Accumulative grade strategy
          3. Grade Bands—Error Banded grade strategy
          4. Criterion Statements—Criterion grade strategy
          5. Categories in a Rubric—Rubric Grading
          6. Number of Attachments expected on Submissions
          7. Allow Resubmissions
          8. Number of Assessments of Examples from Teacher
          9. Comparison of Assessments
          10. Number of Assessments of Student Submissions
          11. Weightage for Teacher Assessments
          12. Over Allocation
          13. Self Assessment
          14. Assessments must be agreed
          15. Hide Grades before Agreement
          16. League Table of Submitted Work
          17. Hide Names from Students
          18. Use Password
          19. Password
          20. Maximum Size
          21. Start of submissions
          22. Start of assessments
          23. End of submissions
          24. End of assessments
          25. Release Teacher Grades
          26. Group mode
          27. Visible
        5. Making a Workshop
          1. Workshop page—Teacher's view
          2. Workshop page—Student's view
          3. Teacher assessments of submitted work
          4. Student Assessments
          5. Teacher Administration page
        6. Summary
      13. 7. Listening Tests
        1. Using audio files
          1. Creating audio files
        2. Importing audio files
        3. Listening questions in Quiz
          1. True/False with audio
          2. Multiple Choice with audio
          3. Images and audio
          4. Other question forms with audio
          5. Multiple audio in questions
        4. Using video
          1. Linking video
          2. Embedding video
        5. Listening tasks
          1. Listening for sounds
          2. Listening for vocabulary (Cloze Listening)
            1. Embedded Answers (Cloze) Listening
            2. Short Answer
            3. Mixed format
          3. Listening for gist, main idea, and comprehension
          4. Using forums for listening tests
            1. Forum Type
              1. A single, simple discussion
              2. Standard forum for general use
              3. Each person posts one discussion
              4. Q & A Forum
            2. Grading
              1. Average of ratings
              2. Count of ratings
              3. Maximum rating
              4. Minimum rating
              5. Sum
          5. Podcasts
        6. Multiple playing of audio files versus single attempts
        7. Summary
      14. 8. Testing Reading
        1. Testing vocabulary
          1. Quiz
          2. Flash Cards
            1. Name and Flash Card Set Summary
            2. Start Time and End of Time
            3. Questions from bank to import
            4. Force reloading from question
            5. Customization
            6. Question media type
            7. Media type for answers
            8. Flip answers and questions
            9. Decks
              1. Enable autodowngrade
              2. Autodowngrade overtime
              3. Review triggering delay
          3. Setting up a Flash Card review
            1. Lietner play
            2. Free play
            3. Summary
          4. Glossary
          5. JCross
        2. Testing reading
          1. Creating timed reading tests with Quiz
        3. QuizPort
          1. General
            1. Unit name
              1. Get from Source file
              2. Use Source file name
              3. Use Source File Path
              4. Specific text
            2. Source file
              1. Choose or upload a file
              2. Search for a webpage
            3. Configuration file
            4. Add a Quiz chain
              1. No
              2. Yes
                1. Folder
                2. Unit file
                3. Quiz file
            5. Quiz names
          2. Display
            1. Window
            2. Show entry page
            3. Entry page text
            4. Entry page options
              1. Unit name as title
              2. Grading
              3. Dates
              4. Attempts
            5. Show exit page
            6. Exit page text
            7. Exit page feedback
              1. Unit name as title
              2. Encouragement
              3. Unit attempt grade
              4. Unit grade
            8. Exit page links
              1. Retry
              2. Index
              3. Course
              4. Grades
            9. Previous activity
            10. Next activity
          3. Access control
            1. Available from and Available until
            2. Time limit
            3. Delay 1
            4. Delay 2
            5. Attempts allowed
            6. Allow resume
              1. No
              2. Yes
              3. Force
            7. Require password
            8. Require network address
          4. Assessment
            1. Grading method
            2. Maximum grade
            3. Grade weighting
            4. Attempt grading method
          5. Common module settings
        4. Hot Potato activities
        5. Making a QuizPort test
        6. Forums
        7. Summary
      15. 9. Testing Speaking
        1. Using NanoGong
        2. NanoGong Description
          1. Name
          2. Description
          3. Color (In the form of '#rrggbb')
          4. Maximum Number of Messages Allowed…
          5. Maximum Duration of Each Audio Message...
          6. Maximum Score
          7. Allow Guest Access and Visible
        3. Setting up your NanoGong
        4. Possible NanoGong ideas
        5. Voiceboard
          1. General settings
            1. Name
            2. Summary
            3. Format
            4. Grade
            5. Use recording type
          2. Common module settings
            1. Upload file
            2. Record audio
            3. Add comment
            4. Student
            5. Audio recording
            6. Comment
            7. Peer evaluation
            8. Teacher evaluation
          3. Notes on Voiceboard
        6. Voiceshadow
          1. General
            1. Name
            2. Summary
            3. Add html to embed video file
          2. Record audio
            1. Player
            2. Upload mp3 file
            3. Use recording type
            4. Grade
          3. Common module settings
        7. Setting up Voiceshadow
        8. Speaking tests in Forums
          1. Setting up an Audio Forum
        9. Real-time conversations
          1. Skype module
        10. COVCELL
        11. Summary
      16. 10. Testing Writing
        1. Choosing a portfolio
        2. Forum-based writing portfolios
          1. Step 1
          2. Step 2
          3. Step 3
          4. Step 4
        3. Pre-Writing
          1. Mindmap module
        4. More writing tasks
          1. Quiz module
          2. Assignment
            1. Offline activity
            2. Upload a single file
            3. Online text
          3. Advanced uploading of files
            1. Maximum size
            2. Allow deleting
            3. Maximum number of uploaded files
            4. Allow notes
            5. Hide description before available date
            6. Email alerts to teachers
            7. Enable Send for marking
        5. Plagiarism
        6. Summary
      17. 11. Using Gradebook
        1. What is Gradebook?
        2. Gradebook options
          1. Grade Items
          2. Grade Categories
        3. Accessing Gradebook
          1. View
            1. Grader report
            2. Overview report
            3. User report
              1. Grade item
              2. Grade
              3. Range
              4. Percentage
              5. Feedback
            4. Outcomes report
              1. Outcome name
              2. Course average
              3. Site-wide
              4. Activities
              5. Average
              6. Number of grades
          2. Creating Outcomes
            1. Course Outcomes
              1. Full name
              2. Short name
              3. Standard outcome
              4. Scale
              5. Description
            2. Add a new scale
              1. Name
              2. Standard scale
              3. Scale
              4. Description
            3. Standard Outcomes
            4. Exporting and importing Outcomes
              1. Exporting
              2. Importing
            5. Using the Outcomes
          3. Categories and Items
            1. Name
            2. Aggregation
            3. Extra Credit
            4. Max grade
            5. Actions
            6. Select
            7. Course total
          4. Full view
            1. Aggregate of non-empty grades
            2. Aggregate including subcategories
            3. Include outcomes in aggregation
            4. Drop the lowest
            5. Multiplicator
            6. Offset
        4. Setting up categories
          1. Grade category
            1. Category name
              1. Category name
              2. Aggregation
            2. Grade item
              1. Item name
              2. Grade type
                1. None
                2. Value
                3. Scale
                4. Text
              3. Scale
              4. Maximum and Minimum grade
              5. Hidden
              6. Locked
          2. Scales
            1. Custom scales
            2. Standard scales
          3. Letters
            1. View
            2. Edit
              1. Override site defaults
              2. Grade letter 1
              3. Letter grade boundary
          4. Import and Export
            1. Importing grades
            2. Exporting grades
        5. Summary