General feedback issues

Feedback is usually helpful and something that can help us grow as students or instructors. However, sometimes the different types of feedback that can be delivered with Quiz can be too much. Giving General Feedback, Item feedback, and Feedback for each correct or incorrect response puts a lot of information on the student's test, some of it too general to be of any real use. Look at this question, which is the same one we used in our first multiple-response question, and look at the Before feedback and After feedback screenshots:

Before feedback:

General feedback issues

After feedback:

General feedback issues

You can see all three feedback areas displayed here. Next to the answers, you can see the response feedback. This feedback is fairly useful, because it gives the correct meaning for each word. Under the responses, you can see the feedback for an incorrect response. "Trying to review more before the next test" might not be as useful as the concrete feedback given previously. Finally, under the Submit button, you can see the general feedback. This is the feedback all students receive and something that, by its very nature, must be general. This seems like a lot of feedback for a single item, and doesn't include the Quiz feedback based on score, which we haven't looked at yet.

You might note that there is no feedback for a correct response, or a partially correct response. Why do you think this is? You probably guessed it, but to get correct response feedback, the question needs to be 100 percent correct. To get a partial score, some percentage needs to be correct. For incorrect feedback, the result must be 0 percent. If you recall, in the question I used here we gave 50 percent for correct responses and -50 percent for incorrect responses. Therefore, the score on this question is 0 percent, giving me the incorrect response feedback text.

If you are the type of instructor who likes to give a lot of feedback, this approach may work for you. If you are the type who doesn't want to give too much feedback, then I would recommend using only what you feel you need. General feedback might be an overkill in many situations.

Often, a single piece of useful feedback to a student is worth more than many pieces that are vague. You need to decide how much you want to put there for your students, and also estimate how much they will absorb from each question. Remember that the feedback is available for each question, so a page full of feedback will likely be glanced at but not really absorbed.

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