Question design and formatting

So far, all we have done with our multiple-choice questions has been to create simple text questions. There is a lot more that we can do, and that is what we are going to learn about now. You will see the formatting and other options available in the rich-text editor in the next screenshot:

Question design and formatting

Basic text formatting

Looking at the previous image, you can see the basic features present in most word processors. You are able to use a variety of fonts, font sizes, headings, and languages. You are able to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough. You can align the text, add bullets and numbers, undo and redo, and use subscripts and superscripts. You can alter the background color and the color of the font, add tables, emoticons, anchors, special characters, and make the editor itself larger. You can even type in HTML code if you like. All these options are available in a standard word processor and are things you can use to help highlight important points in your tests, as well as make them easier to interact with.


Additional Fonts

If you want to use a font that is not already installed in the Moodle Text Editor, you can. It is a simple process, but you will need to ask your system administrator to do it for you, because it is a system-level change. You will also need to make sure the font is usable in your browser, or you won't be able to work with the font.

As a teacher, it is probably better to focus more on content than fonts, but the option is available if you want it.

Now, I'd like to go over a few of the options just to make sure we are all comfortable using them.

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