
Here, we will make some decisions about the way the quiz will look to the students. We will be dividing questions over several pages, which we will use to create divisions in the test. We will also be making decisions about the shuffle questions and shuffle within questions here.

Firstly, as the test creators, we should already have a rough idea of how many questions we are going to have on the test. Looking at the Questions Per Page drop-down menu, we have the option of 1 to 50 questions per page. We have decided that we will be displaying six questions per page on the test. Actually, we will only have five questions the students will answer, but we also want to include a description and a sample question for the students to see how the questions look and how to answer them' thus we will have six on each page.

We have the option to shuffle questions within pages and within questions. By default, Shuffle Questions is set to No and Shuffle within Questions is set to Yes. We have decided that we want to have our questions shuffled. But wait, we can't because we are using Description questions to give examples, and if we chose shuffle, these examples would not be where they need to be. So, we will leave the Shuffle Questions setting at the default No. However, we do want to shuffle the responses within the question, which will give each student a slightly different test using the same questions and answers.

When the display settings are finished, we can see the output shown in the next screenshot:

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