The General section

We have seen this section so many times that there really isn't much we need to discuss about it. The only thing we really need to do is give the test a name that describes what the test is going to cover. Let's call it 'General Science Final Exam' as it describes what we will be doing in the test.

The introduction is also important. Previously, we have simply copied the name and placed it in the description, mainly because we were just practicing and there really was no actual need to describe the test. However, this is a test students will take and an effective description of what they will be doing is an important point for them. It helps get their minds thinking about the topic at hand, which can help them prepare, and a person who is prepared can usually perform better. For our introduction, we will write the following, 'This test will see how much you learned in our science class this term. The test will cover all the topics we have studied, including, geology, chemistry, biology, and physics. In this test, there are a variety of question types (True/False, Matching, and others). Please look carefully at the sample questions before you move on. If you have any questions during the test, raise your hand. You will have 'x' attempts with the quiz.

We have now given the test an effective name and we have given the students a description of what the test will cover. This will be shown in the Info tab to all the students before they take the test, and if we want in the days running up to the test. That's all we need to do in this section.

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