Test introduction

On the first page of the test, we will use a Description question to give the students an overview of the test. On this page of the test, we will tell the students what types of questions to expect, how many questions they will have, the time limit, when they can check their results and see our feedback, and what to do if they have any questions.

Once we have created the text in the Description question, we Save and Preview it to make sure it looks like we want it to. The first page of the test is as follows:

Test introduction


Save without Submitting

This caution cannot be repeated enough! You can include it in your quiz introduction or verbally, but make sure your students are clicking on the Save without Submitting buttons every 5 to 10 minutes. If anything happens during the test, such as power loss or Internet failure, all their work will be lost unless they save their work. You must stress the need to do this to your students!

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