Overall feedback

In this section, we can give our students feedback based on the results of their test. These fields are set up with what is called a Grade boundary. A Grade boundary will give the students the feedback based on the range of scores in the boundary.

When setting up the Grade boundary, we can enter either numbers or percentages with a preset maximum grade of 100% and a preset minimum grade of 0%. By default, there are seven Grade boundaries, but we can set as many as we'd like, by clicking on Add 3 more feedback fields. Any fields that we do not want to use, we leave blank. Here is what we will enter as Overall feedback for our test:

Overall feedback

As you can see, Grade boundary 100% has been given the Feedback Excellent!. The next Grade boundary is 90%. This value means that a student who scores between 100% and 90% will receive 'Excellent!' as their Overall feedback. A student scoring 90% to 80% will receive Good job!; 80% to 70% will receive OK!; and 70% or lower will receive You need to review the material!.

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