Creating the Test

Now that we have created several multiple-choice questions, we simply need to move them to the test. To do this, we just repeat the process we used with the True/False questions. Back in the Editing Quiz page, click on the Move icon next to the question to move it from the Question bank to the Questions in this test. We have created six multiple-choice items, so there should be six in our test at this point. Note that for book spacing issues, I have eliminated one of the single image items.

Once we have all the questions added to the test, we need to go in and take it. I have gone through everything, and the test is functioning properly. Here is what our final test looks like as shown in the following screenshot:

Creating the Test

Well, that's it. We have created a variety of multiple-choice items and created a test. I'd just like to point out one issue that I feel needs to be addressed: feedback.

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