
In this section, we will be setting the number of attempts possible and how further attempts are dealt with. We will also make a decision about the Adaptive Mode.

Looking at the Attempts allowed drop-down menu, we have the option to set the number from 1 to 10 or we can set it to Unlimited attempts. For our test, we have already decided to set the value to 1 attempt, so we will select 1 from the drop-down menu.

We have the option of setting the Each Attempt Builds on the Last drop-down menu to Yes or No. This feature does nothing now, because we have only set the test to have a single attempt. If we had decided to allow multiple attempts, a Yes setting would have shown the test taker all the previous answers, as if the student were taking the test again, as well as indicating whether he or she were correct or not. If we were giving our students multiple attempts on the test, but we did not want them to see their previous answers, we would set this to No.

We are also going to be setting Adaptive mode to No. We do not want our students to be able to immediately see or correct their responses during the test; we want the students to review their answers before submitting anything.

However, if we did want the students to check their answers and correct any mistakes during the test, we would set the Attempts Allowed to a number above 1 and the Adaptive Mode to Yes, which would give us the small Submit button where the students would check and correct any mistakes after each question. If multiple attempts are not allowed, the Submit button will be just that, a button to submit your answer.

Here is what the Attempts section looks like after we have set our choices:

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