Saving Project Data Fields

You can save sets of fields or all fields in the current project file. This can be useful if you want to display or analyze project data in another application such as Excel or Microsoft Office Access 2007.

Saving the Reporting Cube

Six OLAP cubes contain combinations of field data for the current project file. These OLAP cubes are:

  • Task Usage

  • Resource Usage

  • Assignment Usage

  • Task Summary

  • Resource Summary

  • Assignment Summary

If you customize an OLAP cube with a different set of field data, you can save it as a separate cube file. To save a cube file, follow these steps:

  1. Click Report, Visual Reports.

  2. Click the Save Data button at the bottom of the Visual Reports – Create Report dialog box.

    The Visual Reports – Save Reporting Data dialog box appears (see Figure 12-35).

    Use the Visual Reports – Save Reporting Data dialog box to save a customized OLAP cube.

    Figure 12-35. Use the Visual Reports – Save Reporting Data dialog box to save a customized OLAP cube.

  3. Under Save Reporting Cube, click the cube you want to save.

  4. If you want to change any of the fields in the cube you have selected, click the Field Picker button.

    The Selected Fields box lists all fields in the selected cube.

  5. Change the fields included in the cube as needed.

    1. To add fields to the cube, select fields in the Available Fields box and then click the Add button.

    2. To remove fields from the cube, select fields in the Selected Fields box and then click the Remove button.

    3. To add custom fields to the cube, select fields in the Available Custom Fields box and then click the Add button.

  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Visual Reports – Save Reporting Data dialog box again, click Save Cube.

  8. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the cube file. Give the file a name if necessary and then click Save.

    The data in your selected fields are gathered, the cube is built, and the cube file is saved. You can open a cube file (with the .cub file name extension) in Excel, where you can then create a PivotTable with the imported fields.

Saving the Reporting Database

In Microsoft Office Project 2007, the ability to save project fields to a database has been removed from the Save As dialog box. Saving a project file in XML format essentially saves all contents of all fields that make up the project file database.

However, you can save reporting data from a project file as an Access MDB file through the Visual Reports dialog box. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Report, Visual Reports.

  2. Click the Save Data button at the bottom of the Visual Reports – Create Report dialog box.

  3. Under Save Reporting Database, click Save Database.

  4. In the Save As dialog box that appears, browse to the location where you want to save the database. Give the file a name and then click Save.

    The reporting data in your project file are gathered and saved as an Access (MDB) file. You can then open the file in Access.

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