
49IP Router Tables Sartaj Sahni, Kun Suk Kim and Haibin Lu

IntroductionLongest Matching-PrefixHighest-Priority MatchingMost-Specific-Range MatchingAcknowledgmentsReferences

50Multi-Dimensional Packet Classification Pankaj Gupta

IntroductionPerformance Metrics for Classification AlgorithmsClassification AlgorithmsSummaryReferences

51Data Structures in Web Information Retrieval Monika Henzinger

IntroductionInverted IndicesFingerprintsFinding Near-Duplicate DocumentsConclusionsReferences

52The Web as a Dynamic Graph S. N. Maheshwari

IntroductionExperimental ObservationsTheoretical Growth ModelsProperties of Web Graphs and Web AlgorithmicsConclusionsReferences

53Layout Data Structures Dinesh P. Mehta

IntroductionVLSI TechnologyLayout Data Structures: An OverviewCorner StitchingCorner Stitching ExtensionsQuad Trees and VariantsConcluding RemarksAcknowledgmentsReferences

54Floorplan Representation in VLSI Zhou Feng, Bo Yao and Chung-Kuan Cheng

IntroductionGraph Based RepresentationsPlacement Based RepresentationsRelationships of the RepresentationsRectilinear Shape HandlingConclusionsAcknowledgmentsReferences

55Computer Graphics Dale McMullin and Alyn Rockwood

IntroductionBasic ApplicationsData StructuresApplications of Previously Discussed StructuresReferences

56Geographic Information Systems Bernhard Seeger and Peter Widmayer

Geographic Information Systems:What They Are All AboutSpace Filling Curves: Order in Many DimensionsSpatial JoinModels, Toolboxes, and Systems for Geographic InformationAcknowledgmentReferences

57Collision Detection Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha

IntroductionConvex PolytopesGeneral Polygonal ModelsPenetration Depth ComputationLarge EnvironmentsReferences

58Image Data Structures S. S. Iyengar, V. K. Vaishnavi and S. Gunasekaran

IntroductionWhat is Image Data?QuadtreesVirtual QuadtreesQuadtrees and R-treesOctreesTranslation Invariant Data Structure (TID)Content-Based Image Retrieval SystemSummaryAcknowledgmentsReferences

59Computational Biology Paolo Ferragina, Stefan Kurtz, Stefano Lonardi and Giovanni Manzini

IntroductionDiscovering Unusual WordsComparingWhole GenomesThe FM-indexReferences

60Data Structures for Cheminformatics Dinesh P. Mehta and John D. Crabtree

IntroductionExact SearchesChemical Fingerprints and Similarity SearchReferences

61Elimination Structures in Scientific Computing Alex Pothen and Sivan Toledo

The Elimination TreeApplications of EtreesThe Clique TreeClique Covers and Quotient GraphsColumn Elimination Trees and Elimination DAGSAcknowledgmentsReferences

62Data Structures for Databases Joachim Hammer and Markus Schneider

Overview of the Functionality of a Database Management SystemData Structures for Query ProcessingData Structures for Buffer ManagementData Structures for Disk Space ManagementConclusionReferences

63Data Structures for Big Data Stores Arun A. Ravindran and Dinesh P. Mehta

IntroductionData ModelsPartitioningReplication and ConsistencyPersistenceConcurrencyConclusionReferences

64Data Mining Vipin Kumar, Pang-Ning Tan and Michael Steinbach

IntroductionClassificationAssociation AnalysisClusteringConclusionAcknowledgmentsReferences

65Computational Geometry: Fundamental Structures Mark de Berg and Bettina Speckmann

IntroductionArrangementsConvex HullsVoronoi DiagramsTriangulationsReferences

66Computational Geometry: Proximity and Location Sunil Arya and David M. Mount

IntroductionPoint LocationProximity StructuresNearest Neighbor SearchingSources and Related MaterialAcknowledgmentsReferences

67Computational Geometry: Generalized (or Colored) Intersection Searching Prosenjit Gupta, Ravi Janardan, Saladi Rahul and Michiel Smid

Geometric Intersection Searching ProblemsSummary of Known ResultsTechniquesConclusion and Future DirectionsAcknowledgmentsReferences

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