Job:12-84823 Title:RP-Graphic Design That Works (LDW)
175# Dtp:120/163 Page:159
Text (DS)
Another way
makes sure the magazine reflects
the design excellence it showcases is through type.
During the redesign, the team chose faces that were
modern, flexible, and interesting, yet would be consis-
tent and identifiable from issue to issue.
ITC Bodoni serves as
no-nonsense body text,
while a medium-weight, versatile sans-serif font
called DIN stands in as headlines, subheads, and side-
bar copy. Hawk takes liberties with the copy, switching
back and forth between all caps and initial caps with
the sans serif, for instance, or manipulating the serif
face with shadows and outlines for themed headlines.
All in all, experimentation with design is subtle, but
touches result in a unified look, from issue to
issue, that meets its purpose: to preserve the achieve-
ments of the graphic designers the magazine serves.
right This richly colorful
opening illustration in-
fluences the colors used
for type and accents
throughout the rest of
the article.
below The floating let-
ters of this story’s head-
line play off the skewed,
scattered type on the fac-
ing poster, while the
black background offers
dramatic contrast to the
bright colors and loud
patterns of both.
Unity Through Type
above The magazine’s
artist, Amy Hawk, often
manipulates headline
copy to drive home the
theme of the article. In
this headline on DVDs,
the word whirl gets an
added swirl.
154-165 84823 12/12/05 7:33 AM Page 159
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