Creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations

To create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in Lotus Notes is very simple. We will show the steps to create documents; however, if we want to create a spreadsheet or presentation, we need to follow the same steps except selecting either spreadsheet or presentation.

Follow either one of the steps given next:

  • Go to the Home page and click the Documents icon in the screenshot or click the New button.
    Creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
  • Select File | New | Document.
    Creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
  • Click the Open button and then select Lotus Symphony Documents, Lotus Symphony Presentation, or Lotus Symphony Spreadsheet.
    Creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
  • Select File | New | From Template | Document.
    Creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations


    By default the only template files installed with Lotus Notes are presentation templates. We can download template files from or create our own.

The new document will open as a new window tab in Lotus Notes as circled in the following screenshot:

Creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations

Opening Symphony files

To open Symphony files, select File | Open | File as shown here:

Opening Symphony files

Alternatively to open files that we have recently opened, select File | Recent Files and then select the file we require from the list provided.


If we are currently working within a Document, Spreadsheet, or Presentation, we can use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+O to open another file. If we are in mail or a Lotus Notes database, Ctrl+O will open the Open Database dialog box.

Saving Symphony files

There are several file formats that we can select from when we save Symphony files.

In the case of Documents we have the following choices:

Saving Symphony files

In the case of Spreadsheets we have the following choices:

Saving Symphony files

And for Presentations we have the following choices:

Saving Symphony files

Symphony toolbar/menu options

As soon as we create a document, spreadsheet, or presentation, we will see new toolbars and menu options. The following is the default toolbar set for documents. Pop-up text describing what each button will do displays when we hold our mouse over the toolbar buttons.

Symphony toolbar/menu options

We can add more buttons to the toolbar by right-clicking and selecting Toolbar from the right-click menu. In the following screenshot, the blue checked items are currently showing on the toolbar for documents:

Symphony toolbar/menu options

Symphony properties

Properties are available for text, paragraphs, and pages for documents; text and cells for spreadsheets; and text for presentations. To show properties, we need to select View | Properties Sidebar and then select either Float or Close.

Once we have the properties sidebar open, we can change which properties are displayed by clicking the menu option as displayed in the following screenshot:

Symphony properties

The following screenshot shows the Text Properties:

Symphony properties

Symphony status bar settings

There are several items that are displayed by default in the status bar, which is positioned at the bottom of the screen above the task bar. We can change what is displayed by selecting View | Status Bar | Settings. The following screenshot shows the items that we can select; items that are checked will be displayed.

Symphony status bar settings
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