Formatting messages

Many times when we send a message, we want to format it in a particular way. There are several formatting options in Lotus Notes. Note that whatever formatting we can do in mail, we can also do in calendar entries, To Dos, and documents in Lotus Notes application which have rich text fields.

We can access formatting options in the following different ways:

  • From the Toolbar
  • From the Text menu as shown here:
    Formatting messages
  • From Text properties, which can be accessed by the right-click menu or via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K
  • From the right click menu there is a subset of formatting options available
  • Using keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+B for bold

The following is a screenshot of the right-click menu, the formatting options are highlighted:

Formatting messages

The Toolbar has several formatting options. The following is a legend of the Editing Toolbar for our reference:

Formatting messages

Here is an example of the text properties dialog box, which has several tabs with options. The following screenshot shows the Font (a) tab with the Color options selected:

Formatting messages

We mentioned as a tip the Permanent Pen and the Highlighter Pen as great tools to use when replying to messages because of their ability to allow us to show our text in a different color and also to highlight text. There is also the Text Color icon in the Toolbar; highlight text or put your cursor in a position where you want to change to another color then click this button to select a color.

Formatting messages

Using the Permanent Pen and Highlighter Pen

To use the Permanent Pen, simply click the Permanent Pen icon in the Toolbar and start typing. To turn it off, we just need to click the icon again. When using the Permanent Pen, our cursor will have a pen-like icon.

To use the Highlight Pen, click the Highlight Pen icon and highlight text by dragging left to right over the text; to undo anything we have highlighted, drag right to left. To turn off the Highlighter Pen, click the Highlighter Pen icon again—basically it is toggle on and toggle off.

Using the Permanent Pen and Highlighter Pen

Changing the Permanent Pen font and color

By default, the permanent pen font is red, bold, and Default Sans Serif. To change these options, follow these steps:

  1. Create a memo and put the cursor in the body of the memo.
  2. Click on the Text menu, then Text Properties. Alternatively right-click and select Text Properties from the menu.
  3. Click the Font (a) tab.
  4. Select a font, size, style, and/or color.
  5. Go to the Text menu and select Permanent Pen - Set Permanent Pen.
  6. Discard the memo.

Dragging and dropping text

We can drag-and-drop text from within a document or message. We can also drag text from one document or message to another via the window tabs. We just need to highlight the text we want to move and then drag it to the desired location.

Dragging and dropping text


Note: This facility is available with Windows® versions only.

Shortcut keys in Lotus Notes

The Ctrl key on our keyboard comes in quite handy when we are editing text within Lotus Notes. Following are some common usages of the Ctrl key within Lotus Notes:

Keyboard shortcuts



Selected text is made bold


Selected text is made italics


Selected text is underlined


Undo option


Selected text is copied


Selected text is pasted


Selected text is cut

Further formatting options

If we click on the Create menu, we can see more formatting options. We can add pictures, page breaks, a horizontal rule (which is similar to a thick line), sections that collapse text under a heading, computed text that allows you to add animated text, hotspots that can link to URLs or file links, tables, images, and objects.

Further formatting options


When copying an Excel® spreadsheet into a message, use the Paste Special and select Paste link to source from the options presented. This will paste the spreadsheet into the message. Now if we double-click on the spreadsheet, it will activate Excel®.


Note: If we add a table into a message or Lotus Notes document, we can copy the table and paste it into Excel®—the cells will be maintained and the information copied across.

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