2.4 Cyclic Groups and the Order of an Element

1. If o(g) = n, we use Theorem 8: gk generates G =img g img if and only if gcd (k, n) = 1.
a. o(g) = 5. Then G =img gk img if k = 1, 2, 3, 4.
c. o(g) = 16. Then G =img gk img if k = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.
2. Since img is cyclic and img, the solution to Exercise 1 applies.
a. img has generators img.
2. img has generators img
3. a. G =img g img, o(g) =∞. We claim g and g−1 are the only generators. Note that gk = (g−1)k for all img, so G =img g−1 img. Suppose G =img gm img. Then gimg img gm img, say img. Thus g1 = gmk so 1 = mk by Theorem 3. Since m and k are integers, this shows m = ± 1.
a.img. We have img, so img. As to img: img, img, img, img, img , img, img. Thus img.
c. img. Here img, so img. Similarly img, img, and img. Thus img is not cyclic.
5. a. No, If img is cyclic, suppose img where gcd (m, n) = 1. Then img for img. Now if k < 0, then img, so we may assume k > 0. Then −mk = nk, and this is impossible for relatively prime m and n, unless n = ± 1, m = ± 1. Then img generates img a contradiction.
7. Given o(g) = 20:
a. img by Theorem 5.
b. img by Theorem 5.
8. a. Each element σ of S5 factors into disjoint cycles in one of the following ways:


Hence, by Theorem 4, any permutation of the form (a b c)(d e) has maximum order 6.


10. a. If o(g) = n and o(h) = m, then (gh)nm = (gn)m(hn)m = 1 because gh = hg.
11. a. If G =img a img where o(a) = n, let g = ak. Then


13. a. Observe first that g−1 = g if and only if g = 1 or o(g) = 2. Thus all the elements in the product a = g1g2 img gn which are not of order 2 (if any) cancel in pairs because G is abelian. Since img and since 1 and the elements of order 2 (if any) all square to 1, the result follows.
15. We have imga, abimgimg a, b img by Theorem 10 because aimg img a, b img and bimg img a, b img. The reverse inclusion follows because aimg img a, ab img and b = a−1(ab)img img a, ab img. Similarly, imga, bimg = img a−1, b−1 img because a−1, b−1img img a, b img, and a = (a−1)−1 and b = (b−1)−1 are both in imga−1, b−1img.
a. We have a = a4(a3)−1 img H, so G = img a imgH. Thus H = G.
c. We have d = xm + yk with img, so ad = (am)x(ak)y img H. Thus imgad imgH. But d|m, say m = qd, so am = (ad)qimg img ad img. Similarly akimg img ad img, so H =img ad img by Theorem 10.
e. {(1, 1), (a, b), (a2, b2), (a3, b3)} = img (a, b) imgH and




Hence KH where


Since K = {(ak, bm) img k + m even}, it is a subgroup containing (a, b) and (a3, b). Hence HK, so K = H.
17. a. Since XY and Yimg Y img , we have Ximg Y img. But imgYimg is a subgroup, so imgXimgimg Y img by Theorem 10.
19. We have xy−1 = y−1x and x−1y−1 = y−1x−1 for all x, y img X. If


then each img commutes with all the others. Hence each element of imgXimg commutes with all the others.
20. If C6 =img a img and C15 =img b img, then (a3, b), (a, b3), (a, b) all have order 30. Since (x, y)30 = (x30, y30) = (1, 1) for all (x, y) in C6 × C15, these have maximal order.
21. Each element of S5 factors into cycles in one of the following ways (shown with their orders).


Since lcm(5, 4, 3, 6, 2, 2) = 60, we have σ60 = ε for all σ img S5. On the other hand, if σn = ε for all σ img S5, then o(σ) divides n for all σ, and so n is a common multiple of 5, 4, 3, 6, 2, 2. Thus 60 ≤ n.
23. a. We have (ghg−1)k = ghkg−1 for all k ≥ 1. Hence hk = 1 if and only if (ghg−1)k = 1. It follows that o(h) = o(ghg−1) as in Example 10.
24. a. If h is the only element of order 2 in G, then h = g−1hg for all g img G since (g−1hg)2 = g−1h(gg−1)hg = g−1h2g = g−1g = 1. Thus gh = hg for all g img G, that is h img Z(G). Note that C4 =img a img, o(a) = 4, has such an element: a2.
25. Let G =img g img and H =img h img where o(g) = m and o(h) = n. Since we have |G × H| = |G| |H| = mn, it suffices to show that o((g, h)) = nm. We have (g, h)nm = (gnm, hnm) = (1, 1). If (g, h)k = (1, 1), then gk = 1 and hk = 1, so m img k and n img k. But gcd (n, m) = 1, then implies nm img k (Theorem 5 §1.2)), so o((g, h)) = mn, as required.
26. a. Write o(gh) = d. Since gh = hg, we have


This means d img mn. To prove mn img d, it suffices to show m img d and n img d (by Theorem 5 §1.2 because gcd (m, n) = 1). This in turn follows if we can show gd = 1 and hd = 1 . We have 1 = (gh)d = gdhd, so gd = hdimg img g imgimg h img. But img because gcd (m, n) = 1. Thus gd = 1 and hd = 1, as required. If gcd (m, n) ≠ 1, nothing can be said (for example h = g−1).
27. a. If AB, then gaimg B = img gb img, say ga = gbq, img. Since o(g) =∞, a = qb. Conversely, if a = qb, then ga img B, so AB.
29. Write o(gk) = m. Then (gk)n/d = (gn)k/d = 1k/d = 1 implies that m img (n/d). On the other hand, write d = xk + yn with img (by Theorem 3 §1.2). Then (gk)m = 1 implies gdm = (gkm)x · (gn)ym = 1, so n img dm. If qn = dm, img, then img, so (n/d) img m. This shows (n/d) = m, as required.
31. a. We have a img m and b img m, so gm img A and gm img B. Thus gm img AB, whence imggm imgAB. Conversely, write AB = img gc img. Then gc img A, say gc = (ga)x. Since o(g) =∞, this implies c = ax. Similarly, gc img B implies c = by. Thus c is a common multiple of a and b, so m img c by the definition of the least common multiple. This implies AB = img gc imgimg gm img.
32. (1) ⇒ (2). Let H and K be subgroups of G =img g img where o(g) = pn. By Theorem 9, let H =img ga img and K =img gb img where a and b are divisors of pn. Since p is a prime, this means a = pl and b = pm. If lm, this says a img b, whence KH. The other alternative is ml, so HK.
33. If G is cyclic, it is finite (because infinite cyclic groups have infinitely many subgroups). So assume G is not cyclic. Use induction on the number n of distinct subgroups of G. If n = 1, G = {1} is finite. If it holds for n = 1, 2, . . ., k, let H1 = {1}, H2, . . ., Hk, Hk+1 = G be all the subgroups of G. If 1 ≤ ik then HiG so Hi is finite by induction. So it suffices to show G = H1H2imgHk. But if g img G, then imgg imgG because we are assuming that G is not cyclic. Hence imgg img = Hi for some i, so g img Hi.
35. a. Let img and img where the pi are distinct primes and mi ≥ 0, ni ≥ 0 for each i. For each i, define xi and yi by


If img and img, then x img m, y img n and x and y are relatively prime. Thus o(am/x) = x and o(bn/y) = y by Theorem 10, so o(am/x · bn/y) = xy by Exercise 26(a). But xi + yi = max (mi, ny) for each i, so xy = lcm(m, n) by Theorem 9 §1.2.
37. Let cards numbered 1, 2, 3, . . . be initially in position 1, 2, 3, . . . in the deck. Then after a perfect shuffle, position 1 contains card 1, position 2 contains card n + 1, position 3 contains card 2, position 4 contains cards n+ 2, . . .. In general,


Thus img. Note that σ fixes 1 and 2n. The number of shuffles required to regain the initial order is o(σ). Use Example 9.
a. img
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