8.5 Semidirect Products

1. a. Write σ = (1 2) img Sn and img Then AnAnHSn so, since Sn/AnC2, either AnH = Sn or AnH = An. Since σAn we have Sn = AnH. Similarly, AnH ≠ {ε} means AnH = H (because H is simple), again contradicting hAn. Hence AnH = {ε} and the result follows from Theorem 2.
3. This is an instance of Theorem 3 (3), where p = 3 and q = 13 . We have q ≡ 1 (mod p) so we look for m such that 1 ≤ m ≤ 12 and m3 ≡ 1 (mod 13). If m = 1 then GC13 × C3C55. The first solution with m > 1 is m = 3, whence img where imgimg and ab = ba3.
5. In G, Sylow-3 gives n3 = 1, 10 and n5 = 1, 6 ; if neither is 1 then G has 10 · 2 = 20 elements of order 3, and 6 · 4 = 24 elements of order 5, a contradiction as img So if P and Q are Sylow 3-and 5-subgroups, then K = PQ is a subgroup of order 3 · 5 = 15 (as PQ = {1}) . Hence K has index 2, so K img G. Moreover both P img K and Q img K by Sylow-3 applied to K, whence KP × QC3 × C5C15, say img where img Let H be any Sylow 2-subgroup, say img where img
Let b−1ab = am, so img for k ≥ 1 . Since b2 = 1 this gives img that is m2 ≡ 1 (mod 15). The solutions are m = ± 1 and m = ± 4.
Case 1. m = 1 . Then ab = ba so G is abelian, and we get GC15 × C3C30.
Case 2. m = − 1 . Then ab = ba−1, so aba = b and GD15.
Case 3. m = 4 . Then b−1ab = a4. Take a1 = a3 so img Then img It follows that img Define img Then UV = {1} because V6 ⊆ U. It follows that UV = G. Finally, one verifies that a5b = ba5, so U and V commute elementwise. This gives GU × VD5 × C3.
Case 4. m = − 4 . Here b−1a5b = (b−1ab)5 = a−20 = (a5)−1. Hence img Take img so that UV = {1} . Hence UV = G. Moreover, since b−1a3b = (b−1ab)3 = a−12 = a3, U and V commute elementwise, so GU × VD3 × C5.
Finally, observe that no two of the groups C30, D15, D5 × C3 and D3 × C5 are isomorphic: C30 is the only abelian one; D15 and D3 × C5 have no element of order 6, while D5 × C3 has 10; D15 has 15 elements of order 2, while D3 × C5 has only 3.
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