4.5 Symmetric Polynomials

1. The units in R[x1, . . ., xn] are just the units in R. If n = 1 this is Theorem 2 §4.1. In general, the units in R[x1, . . ., xn] = R[x1, . . ., xn−1][xn] are the units in R[x1, . . ., xn−1], so it follows by induction.
2. a. img
3. f(x, y) = x + y + xy is symmetric but not homogeneous.
f(x, y) = x2y is homogeneous but not symmetric.
5. Given θ : RS, any homomorphism img with these properties must be given by


because the ci are central in S, so img is unique if it exists. But this formula defines a map RS because the coefficients img are uniquely determined by the polynomial. Then it is routine to verify that img is a homomorphism such that img for all a img R and img for all i. This is what we wanted.
7. a. img
a. By Theorem 4:


for some a, b, c.
If (x1, x2) = (1, 0) we get 0 = a.
If (x1, x2) = (1, 1) we get 2 = 32a + 8b + 2c.
If (x1, x2) = (1, 2) we get 12 = 35a + 27 · 2b + 3 · 22c.
The solution is a = b = 0, c = 1, so img
c. imgimg Now observe that



img = (x1x2x3)[(x1 + x2 + x3)(x1x2 + x1x3 + x2x3) − 3(x1x2x3)2img

9. img. The number of terms equals the number of k-subsets {i1, i2, . . ., ik} in the n-set {1, 2, · · · , n}. This is img. Thus for example s3(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) has img terms:



10. The monomial img has degree m = k1 + k2 + img + kn, ki ≥ 0. So we must count the number of n-tuples (k1, k2, . . ., kn) from img with


Take m circles 0 and n − 1 dividers | and line them up. For example


The n − 1 dividers create n compartments (counting the ends). The number of circles in the ith compartment is ki. Thus the above lineup yields


So we must count lineups: there are n + m − 1 objects (circles and dividers). Label all the n + m − 1 positions and choose the m positions for circles in m + n − 1m ways. Voilà!
(Conjecture: If q is a prime, img summed over all ij such that 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < img < irq and img. Over img this implies that img, which is true).


a. img
c. img. Now img. Using the preceding exercise
a. We have


Hence img, uv + uw + vw = 4, and uvw = 3. The polynomial we want is


Newton's formula img gives


Hence x3 − 17x2 − 14x − 9 has roots u2, img, img
a. Write f(xi)g(xi) = h(xi). Then


Similarly θσ(f + g) = θσ(f) + θσ(g) and θσ(1) = 1. Now


for all σ, τ and all f, so θστ = θσθτ. Similarly θimg = 1. In particular


Thus img and so θσ is a bijection.
c. If f, g img SG then θ(f) = f and θ(g) = g for all θ img G. Since θ is a ring homomorphism:


for all θ img G. Thus SG is a subring. Note: SG is a subring for any subsetG of ring homomorphisms RR.
17. Prove this by induction on n. If n = 1 and f(a) = 0 for all img then x, x − 1, . . ., xp + 1 all divide f(x). Thus f(x) = x(x − 1) img (xp + 1)g(x), so °f(x) ≥ p, contrary to hypothesis. So f(a) ≠ 0 for some img. If n ≥ 2 and img write


Then pm ≠ 0 in img so, by induction, let pm(a1, . . ., an−1) ≠ 0, img. Write g(x) = f(a1, . . ., an−1, x). Then g(x) ≠ 0 so g(an) ≠ 0 for some img by the case n = 1. This is what we wanted.
17. If σ img Sn,


The polynomial p(x) has only odd exponents: p(x) = a1x+ a3x3 + img. If f = Δng this gives f1 = a1Δng + a3ng)3 + img = Δng(a1 + a3ng)2 + img). Since img is symmetric, g1 = g[a1 + a3ng)2 + a5ng)4 + img] is symmetric.
a. aa is obvious; if ab and ba then, if ab and k is the smallest integer with akbk, then ak < bk and bk < ak. This is impossible. Now suppose ab, bc. If a = b or b = c, we are done. If a < b and b < c let ak < bk, bl < cl where k is minimal with akbk and l is minimal with blcl. Let m = min (k, l). If i < m then ai = bi = ci by the choice of k and l.
Case 1. k = l. Then m = k = l so am < bm < cm.
Case 2. k < l. Then m = k < l so am < bm = cm.
Case 3. l < k. Then m = l < k so am = bm < cm.
Thus am < cm in any case, so ac.
c. Let X≠ , img. Write X1 = {x img (x, . . .) img X}. Then img so let m1 be the minimal element of X1. Now let X2 = {x img (m1, x, . . .) img X}, and let m2 be the minimal element of X2. Then let m3 be minimal in X3 = {x img (m1, m2, x1, . . .) img X}. Continue to get img. If img, am, consider two cases.
Case 1. a1m1. Then m1a1 by the choice of m1 so am.
Case 2. a1 = m1. Let k be minimal such that mkak. Then ai = mi, 1 ≤ i < k so a = (m1, m2, . . ., mk−1, ak, . . .). Thus mkak by the choice of mk so ma. Thus m is the least member of X.
a. If a, b img G then |a| < 1 and |b| < 1, so |ab| = |a| |b| < 1. Thus 1 + ab > 0. We have


so ab < 1 . Similarly


implies −1 < ab. Hence G is closed. The unity of G is 0 and the inverse of a is −a. Finally


This proves (a).
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