Identifying Tentative, Generic, or Budget Resources

As you add your work, material, or cost resources to the Resource Sheet, you can set these resources up with further characteristics that provide you with more flexibility in your resource management. You can identify any resource as a proposed rather than committed resource. You can specify that a resource is generic. You can set up a resource as a budget resource to help you compare your project costs against your established budget.

Proposing Tentative Resources

If you’re using Office Project Professional 2007, you can specify that a resource be either proposed or committed to your project. Adding proposed resources and assigning them to tasks can help you decide whether a particular resource is needed without locking up their availability on other projects. You and other project managers and resource managers can search for resources and include or exclude proposed resources.

All resources you add are booked as committed to your project by default. To specify that a resource be proposed rather than committed, follow these steps:

  1. Display the Resource Sheet.

  2. Click the resource you want to specify as proposed.

    Proposing Tentative Resources

    Resource Information

  3. On the Standard toolbar, click Resource Information (see Figure 6-7).

    Use the Resource Information dialog box to view or enter details about a resource.

    Figure 6-7. Use the Resource Information dialog box to view or enter details about a resource.

  4. In the Resource Information dialog box, be sure that the General tab is showing.

  5. In the Booking Type box, click Proposed.

  6. Click OK.

Using Generic Resources as a Placeholder

You can enter actual names of resources or you can enter generic resources. A generic resource is a title or other similar description of the resource instead of an actual name, for example, Accountant, Marketing Specialist, Sales Representative (see Figure 6-9).

Use either actual resource names or generic categories of resources to get started.

Figure 6-9. Use either actual resource names or generic categories of resources to get started.

As you bring resources into the project, you can either leave the generic names or you can replace the generic names with the actual names. Whenever you change resource names in the Resource Sheet, the names are changed on any assigned tasks automatically.

If you’re using Project Professional, you can mark generic resources as such. Double-click the resource name to open the Resource Information dialog box. Make sure that the General tab is displayed and then select the Generic check box.

If you have a long list of resources to switch to or from a generic status, you can do this more quickly by adding the Generic column to the Resource Sheet. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the column head next to which you want the Generic column to be inserted.

  2. Click Insert, Column.

  3. In the Field Name box, type g to quickly go to Generic in the list.

  4. Click Generic and then click OK.

    You can then go down the list in the Resource Sheet and select Yes or No in the Generic field.

Whether the Generic column is showing or not, you can use the Generic field to sort, group, or filter your resources to quickly find all your generic resources. This can help you determine any outstanding resource requirements.


For more information about sorting, grouping, or filtering resources by a particular field, see the section titled Rearranging Your Project Information in Chapter 4.

Specifying a Budget Resource

A budget resource is one that you will use specifically to capture a budget amount for a particular category related to the project as a whole. You create a resource that represents that project budget category, for example, Travel Budget, Equipment Cost Plan, or Project Materials. You can identify any work, material, or cost resource as a budget resource.

When you designate a resource as a budget resource, it can then only be assigned to the project summary task. This is because the purpose of a budget resource is to reflect the planned budget for that category for the overall project.


For more information about the project summary task, see the section titled Showing the Project Summary Task in Chapter 3.

You can then use this information to compare your planned budget amounts for both costs and amounts of work against what is being scheduled or carried out in your project.


For more information about your project budget, see the section titled Setting Up and Reviewing a Project Budget in Chapter 8.

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