Chapter 4. Viewing Project Information

To plan, track, and manage your project with Microsoft Office Project 2007, you enter a variety of detailed information regarding tasks, resources, assignments, durations, resource rates, and more. Office Project 2007, in turn, calculates certain entries to create even more information, including start dates, finish dates, costs, and remaining work. In Microsoft Project, more than 400 distinct pieces of information, including your own custom information, are available for tasks, resources, and assignments. The more tasks, resources, and assignments you have in your project, and the more custom capabilities you use, the more these pieces of information are multiplied.

There’s no way you could look at this mass of project information at one time and work with it in any kind of meaningful or efficient way. To solve this problem, Microsoft Project organizes and stores the information in a database. All information associated with an individual task, for example, is a single record in that database. Each piece of information in that record is a separate field (see Figure 4-1).

Each task represents a single record in your project database, with all associated information represented by individual fields.

Figure 4-1. Each task represents a single record in your project database, with all associated information represented by individual fields.


The project database is distinct from the SQL Server database that Microsoft Project uses to store data. In the SQL Server database, information about one task can actually be spread across multiple tables in multiple records.

When you need to look at or work with a particular set of information, you choose a particular view to be displayed in the Microsoft Project workspace. A view filters the project information in a specific way according to the purpose of the view and then presents that layout of information in the Microsoft Project workspace so you can easily work with it. More than 25 different views are built into Microsoft Project.

You can rearrange the project information presented in a view. You can sort information in many views by name, date, and so on. You can group information, for example, by complete versus incomplete tasks. You can filter information to see only the information you want, for example, only tasks that are assigned to a particular resource. These concepts and techniques are all presented in this chapter.

Understanding Project Information Categories

The means for organizing, managing, and storing the thousands of pieces of project information is the Microsoft Project database. There are three major categories in the project database:

  • Task information

  • Resource information

  • Assignment information

When you start entering project information, typically you enter tasks and associated information such as duration, date constraints, deadlines, and task dependencies. These all fall under the task information category.

Then you enter resource names and associated information such as standard rate, overtime rate, and working times calendar. These all fall under the resource information category.

As soon as you assign a resource to a task, this creates a new entity—the assignment, which is the intersection of task and resource. Information associated with an assignment includes the amount of work, the assignment start and finish dates, the cost for the assignment, and so on. These fall under the assignment information category.


There are also three subcategories of project information: task-timephased, resource-timephased, and assignment-timephased. These subcategories are covered in the section titled Working with Usage Views later in this chapter.

Understanding these three categories is important when viewing project information. There are task views and resource views. The individual fields that make up all views are also classified as task, resource, or assignment fields, and can only be seen in their respective views. Likewise, there are filters and groups designed just for task views and other filters and groups designed just for resource views.

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