NanoGong Description

The newest version of NanoGong that has been released supports all versions of Moodle, pre-2.0. This version offers several new features and upgrades from the previous versions, one of the big ones being that you are now able to set the length of a student's recording instead of being limited by the software to two minutes or less The setup page of a NanoGong activity is shown in the next screenshot:

NanoGong Description


Type in the name of the NanoGong activity in the Name textbox.


Enter the instructions for the NanoGong here. Be clear and, if necessary, explain how it works and how it will be scored. You may add images and audio files in the description.

Color (In the form of '#rrggbb')

This is the Hexadecimal or HTML color system we looked at earlier. One quick reference page is located at You can alter the color of the player by entering a color scheme in this box.

Maximum Number of Messages Allowed…

This setting determines the number of messages a student is able to record. You can enter the number of recordings you want to allow each student to make. Entering a 0 will allow unlimited recording sessions.

Maximum Duration of Each Audio Message...

This setting allows you to set a time limit for each recording. The time can be set anywhere from 1 second to 1200 seconds (20 minutes). This can be useful for saving space or for forcing students to consider their thoughts and prepare themselves before speaking.

Maximum Score

This setting is used to determine the highest score a student can receive for the NanoGong activity. The students will see their results along with their recording and comments once the teacher has reviewed and marked the recording.

Allow Guest Access and Visible

These are two of the Common module settings. Allow Guest Access will let people who are not members of your course enter the activity. Visible will show the activity.

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