
As you can see, there are a lot of activities and modules that can be adapted to test and assess your students' speaking abilities. We have looked at a few modules here that I feel are useful for testing students' speaking skills and also offer varied approaches to interacting with the students via Moodle. However, we have only looked at a few modules here. There are many more options you could use, some inside of Moodle and some external. Now that you have a basic grasp of several methods to test speaking with, you will be able to begin to use Moodle for speaking tests and from there, you will begin to experiment with alternative methods and new modules. There are always modules being developed, and some will work better for you and for your situations than others will. Once you are comfortable using Moodle to test your students speaking ability, I highly recommend looking for alternative methods. If you find that nothing meets your needs, start a discussion about it; maybe you or someone else will develop what you envision. Finally, if you want to interact with some people regarding speaking activities and methods, get on Moodle's site and start searching for what you want to know; chances are someone else will have already asked and answered it. Now, we will move on and take a look at ways we can use Moodle to test writing.

As you can see, there are a lot of activities and modules that can be adapted to test and assess your students' speaking abilities. We have looked at a few modules here that I feel are useful for testing students' speaking skills and also offer varied approaches to interacting with the students via Moodle. However, we have only looked at a few modules here. There are many more options you could use, some inside of Moodle and some external. Now that you have a basic grasp of several methods to test speaking with, you will be able to begin to use Moodle for speaking tests and from there, you will begin to experiment with alternative methods and new modules. There are always modules being developed, and some will work better for you and for your situations than others will. Once you are comfortable using Moodle to test your students speaking ability, I highly recommend looking for alternative methods. If you find that nothing meets your needs, start a discussion about it; maybe you or someone else will develop what you envision. Finally, if you want to interact with some people regarding speaking activities and methods, get on Moodle's site and start searching for what you want to know; chances are someone else will have already asked and answered it. Now, we will move on and take a look at ways we can use Moodle to test writing.

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