Multiple Choice item creation page

Since composing Multiple Choice items is nearly the same as creating True/False questions, we are going to be working on a few of them now. Once we have the hang of making them, we will look at a few options that we didn't use in the previous test and see how they work.

Returning to the Question bank, I go to the Create New Question drop-down and select Multiple Choice. As we talked about earlier, make sure you have the appropriate category selected.

When the Adding a Multiple Choice question page opens, you will notice that it looks very similar to the True/False question page. That's because it is. There are a few new options available here, but the page looks basically the same.

In the top section of the page, General, all the same information from True/False, such as item name and description are there. There are also three new options directly under the General feedback text area.

Multiple Choice item creation page

One or multiple answers

This drop-down option has only two choices. It enables us to either accept only a single response or more than one answer as a response. The two options in the drop-down menu are called One answer only and Multiple answers allowed.

Shuffle the choices

This option takes the possible responses and randomly orders them. This is useful for reducing cheating, and also allows each student to be given a slightly different version of the test.

This option will shuffle only if the Shuffle options for the quiz and the question are both turned on. The default is to shuffle or not based on the settings for the quiz module the Moodle administrator has set. These defaults can be overridden in the Quiz settings or here.

Number the choices

This section allows you to decide on how you want to mark the responses. You have four options: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, or nothing.

Number the choices

From here, we scroll down the page and we will see that we are offered five sections, called Choice 1, Choice 2, and others for entering the answers. These choices can be seen in the next screenshot:

Number the choices

Here, we can enter our potential answers, the grade students will get for choosing the particular potential answer, and some feedback based on their response. Under the five answer sections, you have the option to create more choices using a button titled Blanks for 3 More Choices. Clicking on this button will create Choices 6 to 8.

There is no way to get rid of Choices, but it is possible to have fewer responses. If we only want to have three responses available, then all we need to do is fill in the three choices we want.

At the bottom of the page, we see the three feedback boxes: one is for correct responses, one for partially correct responses, and the final one for incorrect responses. As for choices, these can be filled or left empty.

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