Section introduction

Now the real fun begins! We will start to create our questions for the test. On the second page, we will be asking True/False questions about Space.

To begin with, we will create a Description question explaining the section and the types of questions to expect. In the description, we will include a sample image of how the True/False questions look and some information about the section. The example we will show them is a screenshot of a True/False question that I have already prepared and uploaded to the image folder. Once we have finished writing the description of the section, we will use the Add Image to Display drop-down and select the already prepared image. Here is what the section introduction for True/False looks like when we've finished:

Section introduction

Reading this section, the student quickly sees how many items they will have to answer, what the topic covered is, the type of items they will be working with, and a sample of exactly what they will be looking at. This is the kind of information we need to supply before each section in order to prepare them as well as we can for what they need to do.

Note that I have added some bold underlined text at the top called Instructions. I have also placed all the text in Bold. This emphasis helps the students realize that the text is not a question and is something that they should pay attention to.

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