“Smart Shutter” Shutter Angle /Camera
Speed / Lens Aperture Control

The PANAVISION SMART SHUTTER II accessory is a means to control the exposure, the camera speed (FPS) or the lens depth of field without causing any change in the negative density. Typical situations that may occur are:

•  It may be necessary to pan from, say, a shady area of a scene to a sunlit area in which case the exposure will need to be decreased by two stops. This can be done by closing down the shutter from 180° to 45°, leaving the depth of field unaffected.

•  It may be necessary to speed up the movements of an aging actor during the course of a take without the effect showing on the screen. This can be done by using the Smart Shutter II accessory to adjust the camera speed while at the same time adjusting the camera shutter angle to compensate.

•  It might be advantageous to change the depth of field during the course of a take. The Smart Shutter II accessory can change the T. Stop and the shutter angle at the same time.

For a greater range of camera speed change combined with consistent exposure throughout, it is also possible to combine a speed change with both a shutter angle and a lens aperture change (see pages 180 - 187).

An additional advantage of the Smart Shutter II system is that all three functions for change can be pre-calibrated and set so that changing one will automatically change one or both of the other two without the need to calculate what the compensatory change should be.


1. The Smart Shutter II shutter drive motor and control unit.

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