Adding linetype, lineweight, and transparency settings

After adding colors, let's configure linetype and lineweight for the layers. Here, we will add lineweight to the Walls layer. Click on the Lineweight column next to the Walls layer and a lineweight menu will show up. Select 0.50 units of lineweight from the Lineweight menu and click OK. Now the Walls layer has a linetype of 0.50 units.

In a similar way, click on the Transparency column for the Furniture layer and a Layer Transparency palette will show up. Select a transparency value from this list. The transparency values range between 0 and 90, where 90 is the maximum transparency you can apply. In this case, I have selected a transparency value of 80. After applying these properties, the LAYER PROPERTIES MANAGER palette looked like the following figure in my case:

Fig 5.45: The Linetype, Lineweight, and Transparency options applied on different layers  

Just like for lineweight and transparency, you can also add linetype settings to the layer using the Linetype column next to your selected layer. For linetype, click on the text that says Continuous in the Linetype column and then click on the Load ... button in the Select Linetype window. Select a linetype from the list of linetypes and click OK.

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