Merging cells

To merge cells into a single cell, select the cells first. In this example, I will merge cells A7, B7, C7, and D7 into a single cell. Select all the cells from A7 to D7 and then click Merge All in the Merge panel of the Table Cell tab, as shown in Figure 7.15:

Figure 7.15: The Merge All option in the Table Cell tab 

Now, you will end up with a single cell in place of four selected cells.

So, now we have created some new cells by merging cells and by adding a new column. Click on cell E2 and type Total price in it. Also, type Total cost in the merged cell ABCD7. After making these changes, the final table should look like this:

Figure 7.16: Final table with data added in the cells 

Now, we will add data to the empty cells using formulas, which is a standard feature in Microsoft Excel and is also available in AutoCAD with similar feature sets.

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