Creating rectangular viewports

To create a new rectangular viewport, you can click on the button named Rectangular, found in the Layout Viewports panel on the Layout tab (the Layout tab appears when you switch to any of the paper space tabs). An alternative method is to type the command name, MVIEW, (or just type MV), then press Enter to start the command, as shown here:

Figure 15.9: Creating a new viewport

After starting the command, you can create a rectangular viewport by simply specifying two opposite corners, as shown in the following step-by-step example:

  1. Start the Rectangular viewport command.
  2. Using the mouse cursor, specify the first corner location of the viewport. Alternatively, you can type the coordinates using your keyboard and then press Enter.
  3. Click to specify the second corner location. Once you do that, the command terminates and the viewport is created, as shown:

Figure 15.10: Steps for creating a rectangular viewport

We have created the viewport; now, let's explore how to modify it and adjust its settings.

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