Gap Tolerance

When making Hatches in a closed area, you might sometimes encounter this error message:

Fig 6.22: Error message when the Hatch tool is unable to find a closed boundary 

As the message states, this error is related to a gap in the boundaries and to fix this error, you need to close any gaps that are keeping your drawing from creating a closed area. When you see this error while making Hatches, simply go to the Options panel and expand it. There, you will find the Gap Tolerance slider, as shown in the following screenshot:

Fig 6.23: The Gap Tolerance slider on the Options panel 

Type a value into the Gap Tolerance field that you feel is larger than the gap in the boundary where you are trying to apply the Hatch. You don't need to be precise but try to be close to the gap width to avoid unexpected results.

Just like Hatches, you can create colored areas with a solid color or a gradient of color, and we will discuss all that in the next section.

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