Example 1

In this example, we will set the plot style for printing the drawing from the first example in the Examples for creating and setting layout tabs and viewports section. The following figure shows three views for a drawing of a hammer. The hammer is drawn in red, while the dimension lines are set to the 255 color:

Figure 15.38: Dimensions of the hammer

Let's say that we want to print the hammer in black and the dimension lines in red. So, the first step is to open the Plot window, then click on the Plot styles list, and select New. Name the new plot style Hammer, as shown:

Figure 15.39: Creating a new plot style

Click Next, then open Plot Style Table Editor. In the Plot Style Table Editor window, select the color red from the Plot styles list and set the color on Properties to Black. After that, scroll down to the bottom of the Plot styles list and select Color 255, then set the color on Properties to Red, as shown:

Figure 15.40: Adjusting the line colors

Click Save & Close to close Plot Style Table Editor, then click Finish to end the plot style creation wizard. Now, if you print or preview the drawing, it should look like this:

Figure 15.41: A preview of the created plot style

And that's it for the first example; let's now look at the second example.

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