Making Spline CV

Spline CV, or spline with control vertices, is another way of making splines with more control over its geometry. In the following example, we will make a simple Spline with CV and explore its options:

  1. To make a Spline CV, select the Spline CV tool from the expanded Draw panel of the Home tab or start the SPL command and then select the Method option from the command line and select CV.
    1. Now, click on a point to start the spline, and then keep clicking on other points to complete the spline.
    2. You will notice that this spline will be made with respect to the control vertices, you will have a control polygon, and the knot of this spline will also show up on the vertices of the control polygon, as shown in Figure 8.54:

    Figure 8.54: Spline CV made with respect to the control vertices 
    1. Press Enter when you are done making the spline, and when you select the spline you will see the control polygon and the knots on it. You can further modify the spline using those knots.

    Now, we have our Spline CV, let’s talk about modifying the spline using knots and the control polygon.

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