The Baseline dimension tool

Just like Continue, this is another method of adding dimensions using a reference dimension. So, here too, start with the linear dimension and click on point A, then point B to make the first linear dimension. Now select Baseline from the Dimension panel of the Annotate tab. The Baseline tool is right underneath the Continue tool.

Now you will notice that the next dimension starts from point A or the first point of the reference dimension. In this case, point A is the baseline for this dimension. Now click on point D, then on point F and you will get dimensions that start from baseline A, as shown in the following screenshot: 

Fig 6.77: A baseline dimension added to the drawing 

To exit the command, press the Esc key. The gap between the baseline dimensions is controlled by the Baseline spacing option, which is on the Lines tab of the Modify Dimension Style window. So, now we know the different types of dimension tools, it's time we learn how to modify the dimensions and their placement options in the drawing. We will discuss that in the next section.

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