Using plot styles

In the model space, each line or curve will have a set of properties, such as the color and the line weight. You can print the lines and curves using the same colors and line weights already available in the model space, or you can customize how each line appears in the printed drawing. In the top-right corner of the Plot window, you will find the Plot style table (pen assignments) section. This section is used to control the pen assignments of different lines in the model. 

A common example is the use of different colors for different objects in the model inside AutoCAD (to improve visibility while working on the model) while planning to only use the black color (or greyscale) in the printed drawings. That is very common in many of the architectural and MEP drawings.

By default, AutoCAD will use the same object color and line weight in the printed drawings. This setting is called the acad plot style. There are other preset plot styles, such as the following:

  • Monochrome: This one will use black for everything in the printed drawings.
  • Grayscale: This will use grayscale to represent different colors in the drawing.

The following screenshot shows the Plot style table option's location:

Figure 15.33: Preset plot styles

In addition to the preset plot styles, you can create a new one or modify an existing one. To create a new plot style, follow the steps given here:

  1. Open Plot styles list and click on New....
  2. This will start the four steps: Add ColorDependentPlot Style, and Table. Starting with a window called Begin, you can start a new plot style from scratch or you can browse to an existing CFG, PCP, or PC2 file. For this example, choose to start from scratch and press Next:

Figure 15.34: The steps for creating a new plot style (1/4)
  1. The second step, Browse File, will be skipped (but not if an existing file in the previous step was selected). The File name option will appear. You can type the desired plot style name, then press Next.
  1. Now, the plot style is created. By default, it will be set as the acad preset plot style. To customize how different colors are printed, click on Plot Style Table Editor...:

Figure 15.35: The steps for creating a new plot style (2/4)
  1. This will open the Plot Style Table Editor window. On the left, you will find a list of all the available object colors in AutoCAD. For each color in the list, you can customize the properties of how this color will be printed; for example, you can use the same object color or you can use a different one, or you can also control line weight and style:

Figure 15.36: The steps for creating a new plot style (3/4)
  1. After adjusting these settings, for each color click on Save & Close, then click Finish, as in the following figure. The plot style will be saved and you can use it for printing in the project in hand or for future projects:

Figure 15.37: The steps for creating a new plot style (4/4)

Let's now have a look at two simple, practical examples for using the plot style table.

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