Creating a UCS by specifying points

The UCS can also be defined by specifying the locations of three points defining the XY plane. This can be done using the 3 Point button found in the Coordinates panel (the button with the number 3 written over the axis). You simply click on the button then specify the locations of the following using the mouse:

  • The origin point
  • A point on the x axis
  • A point on the y axis

These three points will define the XY plane of the UCS, as shown in the following figure.

In addition to the 3 Point option, you can also create the UCS by specifying a two-point vector representing the z axis. The first of these two points will be the origin point of the new UCS. The tool button for using this option is called Z axis Vector, and is located in the Coordinates panel (the button with the small z letter) as shown in the following figure.

And finally, you can use the current view angle as the XY plane of the UCS using the View button in the Coordinates panel, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 10.36:  Z-axis Vector and 3 Point UCS alignment tools

We have learned the different alternative methods to manipulate the UCS as needed. Now, let's see how to save the manipulated UCS.

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