
After setting the render quality and the output image resolution, the final step is to start rendering. Set the view in the drawing area and then click on the Render button. The Render button can be found in the Render panel on the Visualize tab in both the 3D Modeling and 3D Basics workspaces. The following screenshot shows the location of the Render button in the 3D Modeling workspace:

Figure 16.46: The Render button's location in the 3D Modeling workspace

Starting a render will open the Render window, as shown in the following screenshot. In the middle of the render window, a preview of the rendered image is shown. At the bottom, you will find a progress bar for the render process. In the top left, there is the Save button to save the rendered image in a specified location:

Figure 16.47: Render window

Once rendering is done, you can use buttons with the small magnifying lens to zoom in or out of the rendered image, upi can print it using the Print button, and finally, there's a Stop render button to interpret the rendering process at any time.

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