

32-bit sound architecture, 240

802.11 networking standards, 614


accessibility tools

accessing through Ease of Access Center, 392-393, 400-401

benefits of, 393

Filter Keys, 403-404

Get Recommendations to Make Your Computer Easier to Use option, 398-399

high-contrast screens, 395-397

Microsoft Magnifier, 393-394

Microsoft Narrator, 397-398

On-Screen Keyboard, 394-395

overview, 391

Sticky Keys, 402

accessing Internet in Vista, 628-629

Accessories menu, 167

Calculator, 168, 171-174

Command Prompt, 168

Connect to a Network Projector, 168

Notepad, 169

Paint, 169, 179-185

Remote Desktop Connection, 169

Run command, 169-170

Snipping Tool, 170

Sound Recorder, 170

Sync Center, 170

Welcome Center, 170

Windows Explorer, 170

Windows Sidebar, 170

WordPad, 171, 174-179

accounts. See user accounts

actions, in Media Center, 254

ActiveSync, 677

ActiveX controls, 473

Add Gadgets dialog box, 157

Add New Users option (Welcome Center), 33-34

Add Printer dialog box, 509

adding. See also installing

contacts to IM programs, 666-668

desktop icons, 106-107

gadgets to Sidebar, 157-158

links to taskbar, 744

multiple clocks to taskbar, 560-561

music files

to Media Center, 258

to Media Player, 245-246

programs to Quick Launch toolbar, 93

Additional Options option (Control Panel), 437

Address bar

in Internet Explorer, 634

opening, 628

address bar, Windows Explorer, 134-136

Adjust Exposure tool (Photo Gallery), 307

Administrator accounts, 13

changing multiple accounts, 460-461

switching to Standard accounts, 460

UAC(User Account Control), 462-464

Administrator privileges, editing user accounts, 454

Administrator user accounts, 453

advanced search options, 230-232

Advanced Settings dialog box, 582

Aero Glass, 9-11

disabling, 77

icons, 82-83

switching between windows, 79-82

translucent windows, 76-77

album covers

browsing in Media Player, 266

updating in Media Player, 272

Align to Grid option (desktop icons), Auto Arrange option versus, 104-105

alignment in WordPad, 179

all-day appointments, 361

Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut, 10

switching between windows, 80

Always Read This Section Aloud option (Ease of Access Center), 392

Always Scan This Section option (Ease of Access Center), 392

ambient sound, 327


defined, 470

Windows Defender, 482-485

antivirus programs, 470

Appearance and Personalization option (Control Panel), 435-436

applets, 22

applications. See programs

appointments. See also calendars

all-day appointments, 361

creating, 361-363

defined, 355

deleting, 362

hiding, 355

recurring appointments, 359

reminders for, 359-360

searching for, 365-366

arguments of programs

for Disk Cleanup, 385-386

locating, 383-385

artists, browsing by in Media Player, 266

Ask button (Help and Support window), 211-212


event sounds, 567-569

passwords, 456-458

associating file types with programs, 445-449

attachments (email messages), opening, 706

audio CDs, changing default AutoPlay action, 440-442. See also music files; sound

Auto Adjust tool (Photo Gallery), 305

Auto Arrange option (desktop icons), Align to Grid option versus, 104-105

Auto-Hide feature (taskbar), 557

AutoComplete feature in Internet Explorer, 646-648

automatic save features, 590

automatically creating restore points, 534-536

AutoMovie feature (Movie Maker), 348-349

AutoPlay, changing default action, 440-442

AutoPlay dialog box, 291-292, 495

enabling, 496

away mode, 70


Back button (Internet Explorer), 634

background images, changing, 111-112

background windows, 80

backgrounds of movies, 331


DVDs as, 285

importance of, 588

location of, 593

CDs/DVDs, 596

email message to yourself, 594-595

external disk drive, 595-596

online backup services, 595

second internal drive, 593

USB flash drive, 594

saving files frequently, 589-591

types of, 591-593

Windows Backup and Restore, 588-589

image backups, creating, 597-599

image backups, restoring, 599-602

incremental backups, creating, 602-606

incremental backups, restoring, 607

starting, 596

basic tasks, 378

batch files, 494


in laptop computers, power consumption, 577-578

internal backup batteries, changing, 560

battery charges, mobile device connections and, 677

bit rate, ripped music, 277

BitLocker, 487-489

blocked senders, Windows Mail, 707-709


downloads, 473-475

pop-ups, 651-653

bold text in WordPad, 176

Bounce Keys, 404

Braun, Gregory, 493

breadcrumbs, 134-136

in Media Player, 268

Browse button (Help and Support window), 211

Browse for New Sound dialog box, 570

browsers, 632-633. See also Internet Explorer

browsing music files in Media Player, 246-247, 265-269

browsing history. See History button (Internet Explorer)

bullets in WordPad, 179


CDs, in Media Player, 278-282


backup data DVDs, 312

video DVDs, 313-315

buttons, Explorer toolbar, 130-132


cache, 644

Calculator, 168-174

calendar/clock on taskbar

changing date/time settings, 559-560

viewing, 558-559


deleting, 357

multiple calendars, 355-357

printing, 370-371

sharing, 366-369

subscribing to, 369-370

views, changing, 357-361

cameras (digital), importing photos from, 291

importing directly into Photo Gallery, 293-296

with memory card and card reader, 291-292

with USB cable connection, 292-293

canceling print jobs, 516

cascading windows, 97-98

CDs. See also music files

audio CDs, changing default AutoPlay action, 440-442

as backup location, 596

burning in Media Player, 278-282

installing programs from, 495-497

playing in Media Player, 275-276

publishing movies to, 346

ripping in Media Player, 276-278

types of, 279

cell phones. See mobile devices

chairs, selecting, 729

chat. See IM

Chess Titans, 198-199

Choose a Desktop Background dialog box, 111

Choose a Modem Name dialog box, 522

Choose How to Receive Faxes dialog box, 522

Classic Start menu, 53

Classic view, Control Panel, 419

clearing Timeline (Movie Maker), 344

clicking files/folders, 125-129

Clipboard, 138-140


on taskbar

adding multiple clocks, 560-561

changing date/time settings, 559-560

synchronizing with Internet time, 561-562

viewing, 558-559

World Clock gadget, 165

properties, 160

Clock, Language, and Region option (Control Panel), 436


chat sessions, 672

Details pane (Windows Calendar), 358

Navigation pane (Windows Calendar), 358

tabbed web pages, 637

windows, 78

clothing, choosing for movies, 332

Collections pane (Movie Maker), 333

color in WordPad, 179

color schemes, 110-111

column width for System Configuration window, resizing, 554

Comfy Cakes, 202

Command Prompt, 168

commands for speech recognition, 413-415

compatibility, software compatibility in Windows Vista, 749-750

Complete PCBackup, 589, 593

image backups, creating, 597-599

image backups, restoring, 599-602

computer, training for speech recognition, 411-412

Computer Explorer window, 148-149


email accounts, 693-697

keyboard layout and language settings, 564-566

Media Center, 252-253

optional setup, 255-256

required setup, 253-255

microphone for speech recognition, 408-410

mobile devices, 679-684

network printers, 517

region settings, 562-564

startup options, 552-557

Connect to the Internet option (Welcome Center), 36

connection types for printers, 506-507


Internet connections, 36, 611

to mobile devices, setting up, 676-679

to network projectors, 168

contacting Microsoft Support, 216-217


adding to IM programs, 666-668

importing into Windows Mail, 697-700

inviting additional contacts to IM sessions, 670

context menus

customizing Start menu, 58-60

enabling, 55

on taskbar, 88-89

contextual help, 58

Control Panel, 38-40, 417-419

Classic view, 419

contents of, 424-425

Additional Options option, 437

Appearance and Personalization option, 435-436

Clock, Language, and Region option, 436

Ease of Access option, 437

Hardware and Sound option, 432-433

Network and Internet option, 430-432

Programs option, 433-434

Security option, 428-430

System and Maintenance option, 425-428

User Accounts and Family Safety option, 433-435

opening, 418

option locations, 421-422

searching, 420-421

Security Center, 475-478

warnings about, 423-424

control panel (Photo Gallery), 302-303

cookies, deleting, 644-645


Calculator values, 173

files/folders, 138-141

copying files, stopping, 730

copyright issues, 493

crashes. See freezes Create a Power Plan window, 583

credits, adding to movies, 341-342

Crop Picture tool (Photo Gallery), 306

cropping photos, 306, 526

Curve tool in Paint, 184

Customer Experience Improvement Program in Media Center, 254-255

Customize Start Menu dialog box, 53-56

customized settings, saving as themes, 571


desktop, 107

adding desktop icons, 106-107

background image, 111-112

color schemes, 110-111

deleting desktop icons, 105-106

display settings, 107-108

hiding desktop icons, 104

mouse properties, 117-121

moving desktop icons, 102-103

screensavers, 112-115

sounds, 115-117

themes, 109-110

view settings for desktop icons, 103-105

power button settings, 579-581

power plans, 581-583

Start menu, 52

Classic Start menu, 53

from context menus, 58-60

Internet browser/email program links, 57-58

recent programs list, 53

right pane, 53-55

with Customize Start Menu dialog box, 55-56

taskbar, 89-91

user interface, 35-36

Windows Explorer, 141-146


data, System Restore and, 533

data backups, 592. See also incremental backups

data CDs, 279

data integration in Windows Vista, 750-751


browsing by, in Media Player, 266-267

searches by, 230-231

date/time settings

changing, 559-560

synchronizing with Internet time, 561-562

daylight savings time, setting, 559

default printer

overriding, 510-511

setting, 510

default Start menu, restoring, 56


AutoPlay, changing, 440-442

program-related defaults, 442-443

file type associations, 445-449

running programs, 449-451

defragmentation with Disk Defragmenter, 542-545

protecting from power failure, 545-546

Delete Browsing History dialog box, 643

Deleted Items (Windows Mail), 693

Deleted Items folder (Windows Mail), cleaning, 744-745

deleting. See also uninstalling

appointments, 362

calendars, 357

cookies, 644-645

desktop icons, 105-106

email messages, 705

from Deleted Items folder, 744-745

files, 129, 137-138

form data, 646-648

history (Internet Explorer), 643, 645

newsgroup messages, 722-723

passwords, 458

programs from Quick Launch toolbar, 93

restore points, 535

RSS feeds, 661

shortcuts, 102

temporary Internet files, 644 1

demos, viewing, 38

designing movies, 331

backgrounds, 331

lighting, 331

subject’s clothing, 332

desk chairs, selecting, 729


clearing windows from, 80

customizing, 107

background image, 111-112

color schemes, 110-111

display settings, 107-108

mouse properties, 117-121

screensavers, 112-115

sounds, 115-117

themes, 109-110

moving gadgets to, 161

desktop icons, 101-102

adding, 106-107

deleting, 105-106

hiding, 104

moving, 102-103

view settings, 103-105

Details pane (Windows Calendar), 142, 358-361

closing, 358

device drivers. See drivers

dialog boxes, shortcut keys, 757-758

digital cameras, importing photos from, 291

importing directly into Photo Gallery, 293-296

with memory card and card reader, 291-292

with USB cable connection, 292-293

digital photos

adding picture folders to Photo Gallery, 298-299

emailing, 316-317

exporting from Photo Gallery to Movie Maker, 316

fixing in Photo Gallery, 304-307

importing from digital cameras, 291

importing directly into Photo Gallery, 293-296

with memory card and card reader, 291-292

with USB cable connection, 292-293

importing over network, 288-290

overview, 287

printing from Photo Gallery, 308-309

saving to DVD, 312

backup data DVDs, 312

video DVDs, 313-315

sending to professional photo services, 310-312

tags, 292

viewing in Photo Gallery, 299-302

Digital Rights Management (DRM), 283

digital video cameras, publishing movies to, 347

Digital Video with Windows In a Snap (italic), 330

directory services, 695

disabled users. See accessibility tools

disabling. See also hiding

Aero Glass, 77

information bar (Internet Explorer), 475

online help, 219

UAC (User Account Control) messages, 727-728

Welcome Center, 8

Disabling America, 393

disaster recovery, 587-588

causes of problems, 588

location of backups, 593

CDs/DVDs, 596

email message to yourself, 594-595

external disk drive, 595-596

online backup services, 595

second internal drive, 593

USB flash drive, 594

saving files frequently, 589-591

types of backups, 591-593

Windows Backup and Restore, 588-589

image backups, creating, 597-599

image backups, restoring, 599-602

incremental backups, creating, 602-606

incremental backups, restoring, 607

starting, 596


disks versus, 495

installing programs from, 495-497

disk activity status light, 63

Disk Cleanup, 546-550

program arguments, setting up, 385-386

scheduling, 377-388

Disk Defragmenter, 542-545

protecting from power failure, 545-546

scheduling, 388-389

disks, discs versus, 495

display name in Windows Mail, 694

display settings, customizing, 107-108

displaying. See viewing

Document Type Definitions (DTDs), 658

documents, previewing, 512

Documents folder, 123

Instant Search feature, 225-226

DOS prompt. See Command Prompt

double-clicking files/folders, 125

downloaded programs, installing, 497-498

downloading gadgets, 159-160

downloads, blocking, 473-475

Drafts (Windows Mail), 693

dragging and dropping

files/folders, 140-141

on Start menu, 55

drawing with Paint, 179-185


defined, 14

printer drivers, history of, 513-514

DRM (Digital Rights Management), 283

DTDs (Document Type Definitions), 658


as backup location, 596

as backups, 285

AutoPlay, changing default action, 440-442

creating in Media Player, 285

installing programs from, 495-497

parental controls on, 284

playing in Media Player, 284

publishing movies to, 346

ripping, 285

saving photos to, 312

backup data DVDs, 312

video DVDs, 313-315


Ease of Access Center

Always Read This Section Aloud option, 392

Always Scan This Section option, 392

benefits of, 393

Get Recommendations to Make Your Computer Easier to Use option, 398-399

high-contrast screens, 395-397

Microsoft Magnifier, 393-394

Microsoft Narrator, 397-398

On-Screen Keyboard, 394-395

overview, 392-393, 400-401

shortcut keys, 755

Ease of Access option (Control Panel), 437

Edit menu commands (Movie Maker), Undo, 341


digital photos, 304-307

music properties in Media Player, 269-272

videos. See Movie Maker

editions of Windows Vista, 24-25

education programs, 492

Ellipse tool in Paint, 183

email accounts, setting up, 693-697

email messages. See also Windows Mail

attaching photos to, 316-317

checking for, 746

deleting from Deleted Items folder, 744-745

managing, 705-706

moving from Inbox, 746

newsgroups versus, 714

receiving, 704

sending, 700-702

sending web pages in, 702-703

to yourself as backup, 594-595

email program link, customizing Start menu, 57-58

email servers, 694

email signatures, creating, 709-711


digital photos, 316-317

movies, 347

emoticons, 669


AutoPlay dialog box, 496

context menus, 55

Experience Improvement program, 219

network discovery, 618-621

encryption, BitLocker, 487-489

Encryption File System, 487

energy consumption. See power consumption

entertainment programs, 492

Eraser/Color Erase tool (Paint), 184

erasing, Timeline (Movie Maker), 344

ethernet, 612

event sounds, 566-567

assigning, 567-569

recording, 569-570

events, 566

executing. See starting

exiting. See shutting down

Experience Improvement program, enabling, 219

Explorer (Windows Explorer), shortcut keys, 758

Explorer toolbar, 130-132

Explorer windows, 123. See also windows

clicking files/folders, 125-129

Computer Explorer window, 148-149

copying/moving files/folders, 138-141

customizing, 141-146

deleting files, 137-138

Documents window, 123

filtering contents, 149-150

Games Explorer window, 205

Instant Search feature, 225-226

Music window, 123, 148

navigating, 124-125, 134-137

Pictures window, 123, 146-147

renaming files, 141

searches, 133

sorting contents, 149-150

exporting digital photos from Photo Gallery to Movie Maker, 316

extensions. See file extensions

external disk drives as backup location, 595-596


FAT (File Allocation Table), NTFS (NT File System) versus, 598

Favorites Center in Internet Explorer, 638-640

Fax and Scan program, 524-528

fax machines, printing to, 734

fax services, 520


advantages of, 519

receiving, 528-529

requirements for, 520-521

sending, 522-524, 527-528

Feeds Headlines gadget, 163-164

File Download dialog box, 159

file extensions

file types and, 443-445

renaming files, 141

viewing, 145, 445

file formats

lossless versus lossy, 276

MP3, 277

ripped music, 276

File Management option (Mobile Device Center), 686-687

file sharing

allowing, 621

password protection, 623

file systems, NTFS versus FAT, 598

associating with programs, 445-449

file extensions and, 141-445

in Paint, 184

Search folder searches, 228


of programs, determining, 381-383

searches by, 231


clicking, 125-129

copying/moving, 138-141

deleting, 129, 137-138

for user accounts, location of, 469


defined, 541

Disk Defragmenter, 542-546

hidden files, viewing, 145

media files, sharing, 264

metadata, 128

opening, 126-127

paths, breadcrumbs, 134-136

renaming, 141

restoring previous versions 129-130

selecting, 129

sending via IM sessions, 670

shared files, viewing, 133

.wav files, properties, 321-322

.wma files, properties, 321

filesize, searches by, 231

films. See movies

Filter Keys, 403-404

filtering Explorer window contents, 149-150

financial programs, 492

finding programs on Start menu, 47-49


defined, 14, 470

IM programs and, 666-667

network discovery and, 621

Remote Assistance and, 213

Windows Firewall, 478-480

Fix Red Eye tool (Photo Gallery), 307

flavors. See editions of Windows Vista

Flip 3D, 10, 81

Folder Options dialog box

General tab, 143-144

View tab, 144-146


adding to Photo Gallery, 298-299

clicking, 125-129

copying/moving, 138-141

creating for email messages, 705

Documents folder, Instant Search feature, 225-226

hidden folders, viewing, 145

in Windows Mail, 692-693

paths, breadcrumbs, 134-136

Search folder, 227-228

advanced search options, 230-232

narrowing file types, 228

narrowing locations, 228-230

structure of, 125

viewing in Folders list, 136-137

Folders list, viewing folders in, 136-137

Font dialog box, 177-178

fonts in WordPad, 176-178

foreground window, 80

form data, deleting, 646-648

formatting text in WordPad, 174-179

Forward button (Internet Explorer), 634


defined, 541

Disk Defragmenter, 542-545

protecting from power failure, 545-546

FreeCell, 194-195

freeware, 493


shutting down Windows Vista, 70-71

troubleshooting, 578-579

full backups, 591


gadgets, 155-157. See also Sidebar

adding to Sidebar, 157-158

defined, 155

downloading, 159-160

Feeds Headlines gadget, 163-164

moving to desktop, 161

new features, 22-23

Notes gadget, 163-165

removing, 158

setting properties, 160-161

Slide Show gadget, 165-166

World Clock gadget, 165

properties, 160

writing, 162

games, 188

Chess Titans, 198-199

Comfy Cakes, 202

FreeCell, 194-195

Games Explorer window, 205

Hearts, 197-198

in IM sessions, 671

installing, difficulty of, 494

Internet versions of, 197

Mahjong Titans, 199-200

Minesweeper, 192-194

parental controls, 203-204

playing with Media Center, 259

Purble Pairs, 200-202

Purble Place, 200-203

ratings, 204, 486

Solitaire, 189-191

Spider Solitaire, 196-197

Games Explorer window, 205

gateways, 617

General tab (Folder Options dialog box), 143-144

genre, browsing by in Media Player, 266

Get Recommendations to Make Your Computer Easier to Use option (Ease of Access Center), 398-399

Get Started options (Welcome Center), 31

Add New Users, 33-34

Connect to the Internet, 36

Personalize Windows, 35-36

Register Windows Online, 36-37

Transfer File and Settings, 32-33

View Computer Details, 31

What’s New in Windows Vista, 33

Windows Basics, 37-38

Windows Vista Demos, 38

graphics (digital photos). See digital photos

grouping Explorer window contents, 149

guided help feature, 221


hard drive encryption, BitLocker, 487-489


compatibility with Windows Vista, 24

for networking, 614-615

installing, System Restore, 532

power consumption of, 577-578

Welcome Center information, 28-29

Hardware and Sound option (Control Panel), 432-433

headset microphones, 322

Hearts, 197-198

Help and Support window, 207-210

options, 218-219

toolbar, 210

Ask button, 211-212

Browse button, 211

Contact Microsoft Support, 216-217

Home button, 210

Microsoft Website for IT Professionals, 217

Print button, 211

Remote Assistance, 212-215

Search Knowledge Base, 217

Windows Communities, 215-216

Windows Online Help, 217

viewing, 208

help features

guided help feature, 221

in programs, 220-221

Help Settings dialog box, 219

Help system, Instant Search feature, 225

hibernate mode, 580. See also sleep mode

hidden files/folders, viewing, 145

hiding. See also disabling

appointments, 355

desktop icons, 104

file extensions, 145

notification area icons, 95

Sidebar, 161

taskbar, 90, 557

high-contrast screens, 395-397

highlighting programs on Start menu, 55


of computer support for multimedia, 238

of Media Center, 251

of printer drivers, 513-514

History button (Internet Explorer), 642-643

deleting history, 643-645

Home button (Help and Support window), 210

home networks, 613-614

home pages, 632

in Internet Explorer, 742

hot links. See links

Hotmail, POP3 connection and, 694

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 630

HTML-based email, 693

hubs, 614

hyperlinks. See links

hypertext links. See links

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 630



desktop icons, 101-102

adding, 106-107

deleting, 105-106

hiding, 104

moving, 102-103

view settings, 103-105

for Power button (Start menu), 66

in Aero Glass, 82-83

in notification area, viewing/hiding, 95

live icons, 82

resizing, 83

size of in Start menu, 56

IE. See Internet Explorer

IM (instant messaging), 655

IM programs

adding contacts, 666-668

closing chat sessions, 672

games in, 671

installing, 663-666

inviting additional contacts, 670

sending files, 670

sending/receiving chat messages, 668-670

transcripts of chat sessions, 672

types of, 662-663

video in, 671

image backups, 591

creating, 597-599

restoring, 599-602


background images, changing, 111-112

digital photos

adding picture folders to Photo Gallery, 298-299

emailing, 316-317

exporting from Photo Gallery to Movie Maker, 316

fixing in Photo Gallery, 304-307

importing directly into Photo Gallery, 293-294, 296

importing from digital cameras, 291-293

importing over network, 288-290

overview, 287

printing from Photo Gallery, 308-309

saving to DVD, 312-315

sending to professional photo services, 310-312

tags, 292

viewing in Photo Gallery, 299-302

IMAP email, 694

Import Media Items dialog box (Movie Maker), 335


data into Windows Mail, 697-700

digital photos

from digital cameras, 291-293

into Photo Gallery, 293-294, 296

via network, 288-290

video clips into Movie Maker, 334-336

Inbox (Windows Mail), 692

cleaning, 746

incremental backups, 591

creating, 602-606

restoring, 607

indexes, options for, 427

individual file backups, 592

information bar (Internet Explorer), 473

disabling, 475

installing. See also adding

games, difficulty of, 494

hardware, System Restore, 532

IM programs, 663-666


non-USB printers, 508-510

USB printers, 507-508


changing installation options, 500

downloaded programs, 497-498

ease of, 494-495

from CDs/DVDs, 495-497

updates after installation, 498

instant messaging. See IM

Instant Search feature, 223

in Documents folder, 225-226

in Help system, 225

on Start menu, 224

internal backup batteries, changing, 560


defined, 629-630

ISP (Internet service provider), 631-632

links, 634

web browsers, 632-633

WWW (World Wide Web), 630-631

Internet access in Vista, 628-629

Internet browser link, customizing Start menu, 57-58

Internet connections, 36. See also networking

for Media Center, 253

for online help, 209

Internet Explorer, 627-628

Address bar, 634

Back/Forward buttons, 634

blocking pop-ups, 651-653


cookies, 644-645

form data, 646-648

history, 643-645

temporary Internet files, 644

Favorites Center, 638-640

History button, 642-643

home pages, 632, 742

Links bar, 742-744

new features, 17-19

options, tips for, 740-741

phishing filter, 742

phishing websites, 472-473

printing web pages, 648-649

Protected Mode, 473-475

RSS feeds in, 656

determining availability of, 656-657

managing, 661-662

subscribing to, 657-659

viewing, 659-661

searches in, 648-651

starting, 632

tabbed browsing, 633-638

tour of, 746-747

zoom settings, 640-642

Internet service provider (ISP), 631-632

Internet time, synchronizing clock with, 561-562

Internet Time Settings dialog box, 561

Internet versions of games, 197

inviting additional IM contacts, 670

ISP (Internet service provider), 631-632

italic text in WordPad, 176


Junk E-mail (Windows Mail), 693, 707-709

keyboard layout, language settings and, 564-566

keyboard shortcuts, 755

dialog box shortcut keys, 757-758

Ease of Access shortcut keys, 755

general Vista shortcut keys, 756-757

Windows Explorer shortcut keys, 758


Bounce Keys, 404

Filter Keys, 403-404

On-Screen Keyboard, 394-395

Sticky Keys, 402

Knowledge Base, searching, 217


language settings, keyboard layout and, 564-566

laptop computers

power consumption, 577-578

security, 734

Sideshow, 71-73

sleep mode, 66

legacy programs

defined, 468, 495

security, 468-469

legal issues, 493

lifestyle programs, 492

lighting, movies, 331

Line tool in Paint, 182

links, 634

adding to taskbar, 744

Links bar (Internet Explorer), 742-744

live icons, 82

loading. See starting

locating newsgroup providers, 715-716


changing in Search folder searches, 228-230

Control Panel options, 421-422

of programs, determining, 381-383

Lock button (Start menu), 52, 66-67

lock mode, 66-67

Lock option (shutting down Windows Vista), 69

locking taskbar, 87, 557

Log Off option (shutting down Windows Vista), 68-69

logging off

importance of, 63

Windows Vista, 68-69

logging on/off, user accounts, 455

logon names for user accounts, changing, 459-460

lossless formats, lossy formats versus, 276


Magnifier, 393-394

Mahjong Titans, 199-200

malware, 429


email messages, 705-706

RSS feeds, 661-662

manually creating restore points, 536-538

McAfee VirusScan, 470

media center, computer as, 22

Media Center

history of, 251

Media Player versus, 261

setting up, 252-253

optional setup, 255-256

required setup, 253-255

usage example, 256-261

Media Center PCs, 251

media files. See multimedia

Media Player, 244-248, 263


burning, 278-282

playing, 275-276

ripping, 276-278

in Windows Vista editions, 25

Media Center versus, 261

menu, viewing, 264

music files

adding, 245-246

browsing, 246-247, 265-269

creating playlists, 272-275

editing properties, 269-272

playing, 264

new features, 21-22

Photo Gallery versus, 248, 284

toolbar, 264-265

Urge music service, 282-283

video and pictures in, 284-286

Media Sharing dialog box, 623-625

meetings. See appointments

memory cards, importing photos from, 291-292

memory functions in Calculator, 173

memory management, ReadyBoost, 730-731

menu items, rearranging in Start menu, 728-729

menus, viewing

Internet Explorer, 638

Media Player, 264

Windows Explorer, 125

Windows Media, 246

messages. See email messages

Messenger. See Windows Live Messenger

metadata, 128, 269

microphones, 322-323

needed for speech recognition, 408

setting up for speech recognition, 408-410

Microsoft Magnifier, 393-394

Microsoft Narrator, 397-398

Microsoft Support, contacting, 216-217

Microsoft Website for IT Professionals, 217

Minesweeper, 192-194

minimizing windows, 78

mobile device base driver, 678

Mobile Device Center, 677-678

configuring mobile devices, 679-684

File Management option, 686-687

Pictures, Music, and Video option, 685-686

Programs and Services option, 684-685

mobile devices, 675

configuring, 679-684

connection setup, 676-679

File Management option (Mobile Device Center), 686-687

Pictures, Music, and Video option (Mobile Device Center), 685-686

Programs and Services option (Mobile Device Center), 684-685

Sync Center, 687-688

Mobile Favorites folder, 682

modems for faxes, 520-521

moderated newsgroups, 718

Monitor (Movie Maker), 333


display settings, 107-108

power consumption, 577

mouse ports, shutting down Windows Vista, 70

mouse properties, customizing, 117-121

Movie Maker, 249-250, 329

AutoMovie feature, 348-349

Collections pane, 333

credits, 341-342

importing photos from Photo Gallery, 316

importing video clips, 334-336

menu bar/toolbars, 332

Monitor, 333

movie design tips, 331

backgrounds, 331

lighting, 331

subject’s clothing, 332

movie properties, 349-350

narration, 350-351

pasting video clips into movies, 336-337

publishing movies, 344-348

rearranging video clips, 338

saving projects, 344

special effects, 340-341

storyboard, 336

Tasks pane, 333

Timeline, 343-344

titles, 341-342

transitioning between video clips, 338-340

trimming video clips, 337-338

versions, 330

workspace, 333-334

movies, playing with Media Center, 259

movies, creating with Movie Maker, 329

AutoMovie feature, 348-349

Collections pane, 333

credits, 341-342

design tips, 331

backgrounds, 331

lighting, 331

subject’s clothing, 332

importing video clips, 334-336

menu bar/toolbars, 332

Monitor, 333

Movie Maker versions, 330

movie properties, 349-350

narration, 350-351

pasting video clips into movies, 336-337

publishing movies, 344-348

rearranging video clips, 338

saving projects, 344

special effects, 340-341

storyboard, 336

Tasks pane, 333

Timeline, 343-344

titles, 341-342

transitioning between video clips, 338-340

trimming video clips, 337-338

workspace, 333-334


desktop icons, 102-103

email messages from Inbox, 746

files/folders, 138-141

gadgets to desktop, 161

RSS feeds, 661

Sidebar, 162

Start button, 87

taskbar, 86-87

windows, 77

moving files, stopping, 730

MP3 format, 277

MP3 players. See mobile devices

msconfig.exe file, 553


file sharing, 623-626

history of computer support for, 238

list of tools, 240-241

Media Center

history of, 251

setting up, 252-256

usage example, 256-261

Media Player, 244-248, 263

browsing music files, 265-269

burning CDs, 278-282

creating playlists, 272-275

editing music properties, 269-272

playing CDs, 275-276

playing music files, 264

ripping CDs, 276-278

toolbar, 264-265

Urge music service, 282-283

video and pictures in, 284-286

Movie Maker, 249-250

networks and, 240

Photo Gallery, 241-244

sharing files, 264

sound, 32-bit sound architecture, 240

Sound Recorder, 248-249

volume control, for individual applications, 238-240

multiple calendars, 355-357

multiple clocks, adding to taskbar, 560-561

multiple pages, printing to one sheet of paper, 732-733

multiple user accounts, changing, 460-461

multiple windows, organizing, 96-99

music files. See also CDs; songs


to Media Center, 258

to Media Player, 245-246

browsing in Media Player, 246-247, 265-269

burning CDs in Media Player, 278-282

creating playlists in Media Player, 272-275

editing properties in Media Player, 269-272

playing in Media Player, 264

ripping from CDs in Media Player, 276-278

Urge music service, 282-283

Music window, 123, 148

My Documents. See Documents folder

My Music. See Music window


names for user accounts, changing, 459-460


newsgroups, 718

restore points, 538

Narrate Timeline command (Movie Maker Tools menu), 350

narration, adding to movies, 350-351

Narrator, 397-398

narrowing Search folder searches

by file type, 228

by location, 228-230


Explorer windows, 124-125, 134-137

Start menu, 47-49

Navigation pane, 142

Windows Calendar, closing, 358

negative numbers in Calculator, 173

network administrators, 615

Network and Internet option (Control Panel), 430-432

Network and Sharing Center, 615-616

allowing file and printer sharing, 621

enabling network discovery, 618-621

graphical representation of network, 616-618

media file sharing, 623-626

password protection, 623

Public folders, 621-623

network discovery, enabling, 618-621

network interface cards (NICs), 615

network printers, 506

configuring, 517

network projectors, connections, 168

networking, 611-612

hardware for, 614-615

home networks, 613-614

Network and Sharing Center, 615-616

allowing file and printer sharing, 621

enabling network discovery, 618-621

graphical representation of network, 616-618

media file sharing, 623-626

password protection, 623

Public folders, 621-623

standards for, 612-613


importing photos over, 288-290

multimedia and, 240

New Fax dialog box, 523, 527

new features of Windows Vista, 7-9

Aero Glass, 9-11

gadgets, 22-23

Internet Explorer, 17-19

Media Player, 21-22

Photo Gallery, 20-21

searches, 15, 17

security, 12-15

Start menu, 12

Windows Calendar, 17

New Scan dialog box, 294, 525

newsgroups, 691, 713-714

deleting messages, 722-723

email messages versus, 714

locating providers, 715-716

reading messages, 719-722

replying to messages, 722

searching messages, 724

subscribing to, 716-719

web pages versus, 714

NICs (network interface cards), 615

non-USB printers, installing, 508-510

Norton AntiVirus, 470

Norton Firewall, 470

notebook computers. See laptop computers

Notepad, 169

WordPad versus, 174

Notes gadget, 163-165

notification area (taskbar), 22, 94-96

NTFS (NT File System), FAT versus, 598

nudges (in IM messages), 670


Offers From Microsoft section (Welcome Center), 40-41

On-Screen Keyboard, 394-395

online backup services as backup location, 595

online help

disabling, 219

Internet connections for, 209

online programs, installing, 497-498

Open dialog box, resizing, 78


Address bar, 628

attachments (email messages), 706

Control Panel, 418

files, 126-127

Recycle Bin, 137

submenus, 55

Task Scheduler, 376-377

web pages in tabs, 635

operating systems, purpose of, 75

optional setup, Media Center, 255-256

options. See also properties

Help and Support window, 218-219

Windows Calendar, changing, 364-365

options (Internet Explorer), tips for, 740-741


desktop icons, 102-103

multiple windows, 96-99

Outbox (Windows Mail), 692

RSS feeds in, 660

Outlook Express. See Windows Mail

overriding default printer, 510-511


Paint, 169, 179-185

Paragraph dialog box, 178

parallel cables, 506

parallel printers, installing, 508-510

parental controls, 14, 485-487

on DVDs, 284

on games, 203-204

password protection, file and printer sharing, 623


assigning, 456-458

deleting, 458

for sleep mode, 580

in Windows Mail, 695

saving in Internet Explorer, 646-648

pasting video clips into movies, 336-337

paths, breadcrumbs, 134-136

PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), 675

peer-to-peer networks, 614

Pencil tool in Paint, 181

Percentages in Calculator, 173

performance improvements, Welcome Center information, 29-31

performance utilities

Disk Cleanup, 546-550

Disk Defragmenter, 542-545

protecting from power failure, 545-546

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), 675. See also mobile devices

Personalize Windows option (Welcome Center), 35-36

personalizing. See customizing

phishing, 19

phishing filter in Internet Explorer, 742

phishing websites, 472-473

phone lines for faxes, 521

Photo Gallery, 241-244

adding folders to, 298-299

control panel, 302-303

displaying photos in, 299-302

editing tools, 304-307

emailing photos, 316-317

exporting photos to Movie Maker, 316

fixing photos with, 304-307

importing photos from digital cameras, 291

importing directly into Photo Gallery, 293-296

with memory card and card reader, 291-292

with USB cable connection, 292-293

importing photos over network, 288-290

Media Player versus, 248, 284

new features, 20-21

overview, 287

printing photos from, 308-309

saving photos to DVD, 312

backup data DVDs, 312

video DVDs, 313-315

scanning photos into, 293-296

sending photos to professional photo services, 310-312

starting, 297

photos. See digital photos

pictures. See digital photos

Pictures window, 123, 146-147

Pictures, Music, and Video option (Mobile Device Center), 685-686

pinning, 57-59

pixels, 107


creating in Media Player, 272-275

defined, 269

Polygon tool in Paint, 183

pop-up menus. See context menus

pop-ups, blocking, 651-653

POP3 email, 693

Hotmail and, 694

portable computers. See laptop computers

ports, 470

Power button, 52

customizing settings, 579-581

icons for, 66

sleep mode, 64-66

troubleshooting freezes, 578-579

power consumption of hardware, 577-578

power failure

protecting Disk Defragmenter from, 545-546

UPS (uninterruptible power supply), 591

Power Options window, power plans

creating, 583-584

customizing, 581-583

selecting, 575-577

power plans

creating, 583-584

customizing, 581-583

selecting, 575-577

switching, 578

power schemes. See power plans

power usage, shutting down Windows Vista, 64

powering down. See shutting down

prefixes, newsgroup names, 718

Preview pane, 126, 142, 735


documents, 512

movie transitions (Movie Maker), 340

scanned images, 295

previous versions of files, restoring, 129-130

Print button (Help and Support window), 211

Print dialog box, 370, 522

print jobs

canceling, 516

defined, 512

in print queue, 514-516

Print Pictures dialog box (Photo Gallery), 308-310

print queues, 514-516

printer drivers, history of, 513-514

printer sharing

allowing, 621

password protection, 623


connection types, 506-507

default printer

overriding, 510-511

setting, 510


non-USB printers, 508-510

USB printers, 507-508

network printers, configuring, 517

power consumption, 577


calendars, 370-371

digital photos, 308-312

multiple pages per sheet of paper, 732-733

previewing, 512

to fax machines, 734

web pages, 648-649

privacy statement for Media Center, 253

productivity programs, 492

program-related defaults, 442-443

file type associations, 445-449

running programs, 449-451

programs. See also windows

Accessories menu, 167


for Disk Cleanup, 385-386

locating, 383-385

automatic save features, 590

compatibility with Windows Vista, 749-750

copyright issues, 493

file types, 443-445

associating, 445-449

filename/location, determining, 381-383

finding on Start menu, 47-49

freeware, 493

help features in, 220-221

highlighting on Start menu, 55

IM programs

adding contacts, 666-668

closing chat sessions, 672

games in, 671

installing, 663-666

inviting additional contacts, 670

sending files, 670

sending/receiving chat messages, 668-670

transcripts of chat sessions, 672

types of, 662-663

video in, 671

in recent programs list, number of, 56


changing installation options, 500

downloaded programs, 497-498

ease of, 494-495

from CDs/DVDs, 495-497

updates after installation, 498

legacy programs

defined, 468, 495

security, 468-469

obtaining, 492-493

opening files, 126-127

printer drivers, history of, 513-514

Quick Launch toolbar, 92-93

reinstalling, 592

running, 731-732

scheduling. See Task Scheduler

shareware, 493

starting from Run command, 49

types of, 491-492

uninstalling, 499-501

updating, 480-482

volume control, 238-240

Programs and Services option (Mobile Device Center), 684-685

Programs option (Control Panel), 433-434


Command Prompt, 168

gadgets, setting, 160-161

music properties, editing in Media Player, 269-272

Sidebar, setting, 161-163

Properties dialog box, 128, 382

Protected Mode (Internet Explorer), 473-475

protocols, 612

Public folders, 621-623

Publish Calendar dialog box, 367

Publish dialog box, 366

Publish Movie dialog box (Movie Maker), 345, 348

publishing movies, 344-348

Purble Pairs, 200-202

Purble Place, 200-203


quarantined items, 484

Quick Launch toolbar, 92-93

quick saves, importance of, 589-591

Quick Tabs view (Internet Explorer), 637


browsing by in Media Player, 267

games, 204, 486

songs in Media Player, 269

reading newsgroup messages, 719-722

ReadyBoost, 730-731

Really Simple Syndication. See RSS


Start menu items, 728-729

video clips, 338-340

Reasoning Tasks window, 401

rebooting Vista, 471


email messages, 704

faxes, 528-529

IM messages, 668-670

recent programs list

customizing Start menu, 53

number of programs in, 56

recordable CDs, publishing movies to, 346

recording sound, 248-249

event sounds, 569-570

with Sound Recorder, 319

hardware requirements, 322

microphones, 322-323

recording tips and techniques, 327

step-by-step process, 324-326

visual display, 323-324

.wav file properties, 321-322

.wma file properties, 321

when to use, 319-321

Rectangle tool in Paint, 183

recurring appointments, 359

Recycle Bin, 137-138

red eye, fixing, 307

region settings, 562-564

Regional and Language Options dialog box, 562

Register Windows Online option (Welcome Center), 36-37

Registering Windows Vista, 36-37

registry, 533

reinstalling programs, 592

reminders for appointments, 359-360

Remote Assistance, 212-215

Remote Desktop Connection, 169

removing gadgets, 158

renaming files, 141

repairing program installations, 500

replying to newsgroup messages, 722

required setup, Media Center, 253-255

requirements for faxes, 520-521

resetting AutoPlay defaults, 442


Calculator, 171

column width for System Configuration window, 554

icons, 83

photos, 21

taskbar, 88, 557

windows, 78

resolution, 107

setting, 108

Restart option (shutting down Windows Vista), 69

restore points

creating automatically, 534-536

creating manually, 536-538

deleting, 535

naming, 538

restoring, 538-539


before changing Control Panel options, 424

importance of, 495

undoing, 539

restoring. See also System Restore

image backups, 599-602

incremental backups, 607

previous versions of files, 129-130

Start menu to default state, 56

right pane (Start menu), 50-55

right-click menus. See context menus

right-clicking files/folders, 126


CDs in Media Player, 276-278

defined, 211

DVDs, 285

Rotate Frame button (Photo Gallery), 306

routers, 614

row stacks in Solitaire, 191

RS-232 cables, 506

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 655

defined, 19

Feeds Headlines gadget, 163-164

in Internet Explorer, 656

determining availability of, 656-657

managing, 661-662

subscribing to, 657-659

viewing, 659-661

in Outlook, 660

ruler in WordPad, 178

Run command, 169-170

starting programs, 49

viewing on Start menu, 56

Run dialog box, 385

running programs, 731-732


safe mode, 602

Safe Senders list (Windows Mail), 708

Save As dialog box, saving sound files, 325

Save Project dialog box (Movie Maker), 344

saved restore points, restoring, 538-539


audio recordings, 325

data before shutting down, 69

digital photos to DVD, 312

backup data DVDs, 312

video DVDs, 313-315

Movie Maker projects, 344

searches, 232-233

themes, 571

transcripts of chat sessions, 672

usernames/passwords in Internet Explorer, 646-648

saving files frequently, 589-591

scalability, 9

scanners, importing photos into Photo Gallery, 293-296


documents, 524-528

for faxing, advantages of, 519

photos into Photo Gallery, 293-296

scheduling programs. See Task Scheduler

scientific calculator, 173-174

screen display, high-contrast screens, 395-397

Screen Saver Settings dialog box, 113

screensavers, 112-115

search engines, 630

Search folder, 227-228

advanced search options, 230-232

narrowing file types, 228

narrowing locations, 228-230

Search pane, 142


for appointments, 365-366

in Control Panel, 420-421

in Explorer windows, 133

in Internet Explorer, 648, 650-651

Instant Search feature, 223

in Documents folder, 225-226

in Help system, 225

on Start menu, 224

Knowledge Base, 217

in Media Player, 269

new features, 15-17

newsgroup messages, 724

saving, 232-233

Search folder, 227-228

advanced search options, 230-232

narrowing file types, 228

narrowing locations, 228-230

from Start menu, 49-50

for tasks, 365-366

second internal drive as backup location, 593


BitLocker, 487-489

Control Panel settings, 475-478

firewalls, Windows Firewall, 478-480

Internet Explorer Protected Mode, 473-475

laptop computers, 734

legacy programs, 468-469

new features, 12-15

parental controls, 485-487

phishing websites, 472-473

rebooting Vista, 471

tools, list of, 469-471

User Account Control (UAC), 462-464

Windows Defender, 482-485

Windows Update, 480-482

Security Center (Control Panel), 475-478

Security option (Control Panel), 428-430

Select Fax Recipient dialog box, 523


desk chairs, 729

files, 129

power plans, 575-577

printers, 510-511


email messages, 700-702

faxes, 522-524, 527-528

files via IM sessions, 670

IM messages, 668-670

photos to professional photo services, 310-312

Start menu items, 59

web pages in email messages, 702-703

Sent Items (Windows Mail), 693

serial cables, 506

serial printers, installing, 508-510

setting up. See configuring

settings. See Control Panel

setup.exe installation file, 496

shared files, viewing, 133

shareware, 493

sharing. See also networking

calendars, 366-369

media files, 264

shooting the moon in Hearts, 198

shortcut menus. See context menus


defined, 93

deleting, 102

shortcuts (keyboard), 755

dialog box shortcut keys, 757-758

Ease of Access shortcut keys, 755

general Vista shortcut keys, 756-757

Windows Explorer shortcut keys, 758

Show Desktop thumbnail, switching between windows, 80

Shut Down option (shutting down Windows Vista), 70

shutting down Windows Vista, 63-64

lock mode, 66-67

options, 67-70

power usage concerns, 64

sleep mode, 64-66

troubleshooting, 70-71

Sidebar, 155-157, 170

gadgets, 22-23

adding, 157-158

downloading, 159-160

moving to desktop, 161

removing, 158

setting properties, 160-161

hiding, 161

moving, 162

properties, setting, 161-163

viewing, 156

Sideshow, 71-73

signatures, creating email signatures, 709-711

single sheet of paper, printing multiple pages to, 732-733

sleep button, customizing settings, 579-581

sleep mode, 64-66, 580

Sleep option (shutting down Windows Vista), 70

Slide Show gadget, 165-166

slide shows

for pictures, 736

viewing, 147

Snipping Tool, 170


compatibility in Windows Vista, 749-750

problems caused by, 588

Solitaire, 189-191

song lists, browsing by in Media Player, 266

songs. See also music files

rating in Media Player, 269

sorting in Media Player, 268


Explorer window contents, 149-150

songs in Media Player, 268


32-bit sound architecture, 240

ambient sound, 327

event sounds, 566-567

assigning, 567-569

recording, 569-570

Microsoft Narrator, 397-398

playback setup in Media Center, 256

recording, 248-249

recording with Sound Recorder, 319

hardware requirements, 322

microphones, 322-323

recording tips and techniques, 327

step-by-step process, 324-326

visual display, 323-324

.wav file properties, 321-322

.wma file properties, 321

when to use, 319-321

Sound dialog box, 324, 567

Sound Recorder, 170, 248-249, 319

hardware requirements, 322

microphones, 322-323

recording sound, 324-326

recording tips and techniques, 327

visual display, 323-324

.wav file properties, 321-322

.wma file properties, 321

when to use, 319-321

sound schemes, 117, 569

sounds, customizing, 115-117

spam, 693

special effects (Movie Maker), 340-341

speech recognition, 407-408


need for, 408

setup, 408-410

training computer for, 411-412

training voice for, 412-416

speech tutorial, 412-416

Spider Solitaire, 196-197

SpyNet, 483

spyware. See also antispyware

defined, 470

from IM sessions, 673

squares, drawing in Paint, 183


Explorer window contents, 150

windows, 99

Standard accounts, 13

switching to Administrator accounts, 460

standard CDs, 279

Standard user accounts, 453

standards for networking, 612-613

standby mode. See sleep mode

Start button

moving, 87

viewing Start menu, 45-46

Start menu, 12

customizing, 52

Classic Start menu, 53

from context menus, 58-60

Internet browser/email program links, 57-58

recent programs list, 53

right pane, 53-55

with Customize Start Menu dialog box, 55-56

Instant Search feature, 224

Lock button, 52

navigating, 47-49

Power button, 52

rearranging menu items, 728-729

restoring to default state, 56

right pane, 50-52

searching from, 49-50

viewing, 45-46


Internet Explorer, 632

Photo Gallery, 297

programs from Run command, 49

Windows Backup and Restore, 596

Windows Mail, 692

Windows Vista, 62-63

startup options, configuring, 552-557

Sticky Keys, 402

stopping copying/moving files, 730

storyboard (Movie Maker), 336

streaming files, 624

subfolders, 48, 127


defined, 48

opening, 55

Subscribe to a Calendar dialog box, 369


to calendars, 369-370

to newsgroups, 716-719

to RSS feeds, 657-659

suit stacks

in FreeCell, 194

in Solitaire, 189

Superfetch, 61

Switch User option (shutting down Windows Vista), 68

switches, 614, 617


between tasks, 10

between user accounts, 68, 464-465

between windows, 79-82

power plans, 578

Sync Center, 170, 687-688

synchronization with mobile devices

clock with Internet time, 561-562

connection setup, 676-679

device setup, 679-684

Sync Center, 687-688

System and Maintenance option (Control Panel), 425-428

System Configuration, startup options, 552-557

System Information program, 571-572

system programs, 492

System Properties dialog box, 535

System Restore

need for, 532-533

operation of, 533

restore points

creating automatically, 534-536

creating manually, 536-538

restoring, 538-539

undoing, 534

system settings, viewing, 571-572

system sounds. See event sounds

system tray. See notification area (taskbar)

systray. See notification area (taskbar)


tab stops in WordPad, 178

tabbed browsing, 632

home pages for, 742

in Internet Explorer, 18, 635-638

tags (digital photos), 148, 292

Task Scheduler, 375-376

opening, 376-377

scheduling Disk Defragmenter, 388-389


creating, 377-381, 386-388

program arguments for Disk Cleanup, 385-386

program arguments, locating, 383-385

program filename/location, determining, 381-383

taskbar, 85-86

adding links to, 744


adding multiple clocks, 560-561

changing date/time settings, 559-560

synchronizing with Internet time, 561-562

viewing, 558-559

context menu, 88-89

customizing, 89-91

hiding, 90, 557

locking/unlocking, 87, 557

moving, 86-87

multiple windows, organizing, 96-99

notification area, 94-96

Quick Launch toolbar, 92-93

resizing, 88, 557

switching between windows, 79

viewing, 46

Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, 52, 89-91


basic tasks, 378

creating, 363-364

in Task Scheduler, 377-381, 386-388

defined, 355

determining program filename/location for Task Scheduler, 381-383

locating program arguments for Task Scheduler, 383-385

program arguments for Disk Cleanup, setting up in Task Scheduler, 385-386

searching for, 365-366

switching between, 10

Tasks pane (Movie Maker), 333


as monitor, resolution settings, 108

using with Media Center, 259

temporary Internet files, deleting, 644

terabytes, 541

text, formatting in WordPad, 174-179

Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, 564

text size, changing in Help and Support window, 219

Text tool in Paint, 185

themes, 109-110

defined, 570

saving, 571

threads, 721


defined, 9

switching between windows, 79

of tabbed web pages, 636

tiling windows, 98-99

time zones, World Clock gadget, 165

changing, 559

properties, 160

time/date settings

changing, 559-560

synchronizing with Internet time, 561-562

Timeline (Movie Maker), 343-344

titles, adding to movies, 341-342

Today window (Windows Live Messenger), 669



Explorer toolbar, 130-132

Help and Support window, 210

Ask button, 211-212

Browse button, 211

Contact Microsoft Support, 216-217

Home button, 210

Microsoft Website for IT Professionals, 217

Print button, 211

Remote Assistance, 212-215

Search Knowledge Base, 217

Windows Communities, 215-216

Windows Online Help, 217

Media Player, 264-265

Movie Maker, 332


accessibility tools

accessing through Ease of Access Center, 392-393, 400-401

benefits of, 393

Filter Keys, 403-404

Get Recommendations to Make Your Computer Easier to Use option, 398-399

high-contrast screens, 395-397

Microsoft Magnifier, 393-394

Microsoft Narrator, 397-398

On-Screen Keyboard, 394-395

overview, 391

Sticky Keys, 402

Movie Maker, 329

AutoMovie feature, 348-349

Collections pane, 333

credits, 341-342

importing photos from Photo Gallery, 316

importing video clips, 334-336

menu bar/toolbars, 332

Monitor, 333

movie design tips, 331-332

movie properties, 349-350

narration, 350-351

pasting video clips into movies, 336-337

publishing movies, 344-348

rearranging video clips, 338

saving projects, 344

special effects, 340-341

storyboard, 336

Tasks pane, 333

Timeline, 343-344

titles, 341-342

transitioning between video clips, 338-340

trimming video clips, 337-338

versions, 330

workspace, 333-334

Photo Gallery

adding folders to, 298-299

control panel, 302-303

displaying photos in, 299-302

displaying photos in, 300

editing tools, 304-307

emailing photos, 316-317

exporting photos to Movie Maker, 316

fixing photos with, 304-307

importing photos directly into Photo Gallery, 293-296

importing photos from digital cameras, 291-293

importing photos over network, 288-290

overview, 287

printing photos from, 308-309

saving photos to DVD, 312-315

scanning photos into, 293-296

sending photos to professional photo services, 310-312

starting, 297

security tools, list of, 469-471

Sound Recorder, 319

hardware requirements, 322

microphones, 322-323

recording sound, 324-326

recording tips and techniques, 327

visual displays, 323-324

.wav file properties, 321-322

.wma file properties, 321

when to use, 319-321

Tools menu commands (Movie Maker), Narrate Timeline, 350

tour of Internet Explorer, 746-747

TPM (trusted platform module), 488


computer for speech recognition, 411-412

voice for speech recognition, 412-416

transcripts of chat sessions, saving, 672

Transfer File and Settings option (Welcome Center), 32-33

translucent windows, 76-77

transmitters for faxes, 521

tricks in Hearts, 197

trimming video clips, 337-338


date/time settings, 560

freezes, 578-579

mobile device connections, 677

print jobs, 516

printer installation, 509-510

shutting down Windows Vista, 70-71

startup, 555-557

trusted platform module (TPM), 488

two-way firewalls, 14


UAC (User Account Control), 13, 462-464

disabling messages from, 727-728

underlined text in WordPad, 176

Undo command in Paint, 182

Undo command (Movie Maker Edit menu), 341


restore points, 539

System Restore, 534

uniform resource locators (URLs), 630-631

uninstalling programs, 499-501

uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 546, 591

unlocking taskbar, 87, 557

unpinning, 59

unsaved data, saving before shutting down, 69

updates, importance of, 739-740


album covers in Media Player, 272

programs immediately after installation, 498

Vista, 480-482


Windows Vista, 751-752

with Windows Anytime Upgrade, 25

UPS (uninterruptible power supply), 546, 591

Urge music service, 282-283

URLs (uniform resource locators), 630-631

USB cables, 506

USB flash drives

as backup location, 594

memory management with, 730-731

USB printers, installing, 507-508

User Account Control (UAC), 13, 462-464

disabling messages from, 727-728

user accounts, 454

adding, 33-34

Administrator accounts, 13

UAC (User Account Control), 462-464

Administrator user accounts, 453

files, location of, 469

logging on/off, 455

logon names, changing, 459-460

multiple accounts, changing, 460-461


assigning, 456-458

deleting, 458

pictures, changing, 458-459

reasons for using, 454-456

standard accounts, 13

Standard user accounts, 453

switching between, 68, 464-465

types, changing, 460

User Accounts and Family Safety option (Control Panel), 433-435

user ID, folder structure, 125

user interface

customizing, 35-36

Start menu. See Start menu

windows. See windows


in Windows Mail, 695

saving in Internet Explorer, 646, 648

utility programs, 492


version number, viewing, 572

versions. See editions of Windows Vista


in IM sessions, 671

in Media Player, 284-286

playback setup in Media Center, 256

video cameras, publishing movies to, 347

video clips. See also movies

importing into Movie Maker, 334-336

pasting into movies, 336-337

rearranging video clips, 338

transitioning between video clips, 338-340

trimming video clips, 337-338

video games. See games

video tutorials, viewing, 38

View Computer Details option (Welcome Center), 31

View Gadgets dialog box, 156

View menu commands (Movie Maker)

View Storyboard, 338

View Timeline, 337

view settings, desktop icons, 103-105

View Storyboard command (Movie Maker View menu), 338

View tab (Folder Options dialog box), 144-146

View Timeline command (Movie Maker View menu), 337

viewing. See also browsing

clock/calendar on taskbar, 558-559

file extensions, 145, 445

folders in Folders list, 136-137

Help and Support window, 208

hidden files/folders, 145

Internet Explorer menu, 638

Media Player menu, 264

menu in Windows Explorer, 125

notification area icons, 95

photos in Photo Gallery, 299-302

RSS feeds, 659-661

Run command on Start menu, 56

shared files, 133

Sidebar, 156

slideshows, 147

Start menu, 45-46

system settings, 571-572

taskbar, 46

video tutorials, 38

Welcome Center, 28

Windows Explorer, 124

Windows Media menu, 246

Windows Vista version number, 572


in Windows Calendar, changing, 357-361

Windows Explorer, making permanent, 735


from IM sessions, 673

in email messages, 706

Vista. See Windows Vista

voice, training for speech recognition, 412-416

volume on microphone, setting up for speech recognition, 410

volume control, 22

for individual applications, 238-240

in notification area, 96

volume leveling, burning CDs, 280


wallpaper. See background images

.wav files, properties, 321-322

web browsers, 632-633. See also Internet Explorer

web pages, 630

links, 634

newsgroups versus, 714

opening in tabs, 635

printing, 648-649

sending in email messages, 702-703

web-based email, 693

website history. See History button (Internet Explorer)

Welcome Center, 8, 28, 170

Control Panel, 38-40

disabling, 8

Get Started options, 31

Add New Users, 33-34

Connect to the Internet, 36

Personalize Windows, 35-36

Register Windows Online, 36-37

Transfer File and Settings, 32-33

View Computer Details, 31

What’s New in Windows Vista, 33

Windows Basics, 37-38

Windows Vista Demos, 38

hardware information in, 28-29

Offers From Microsoft section, 40-41

performance improvements, 29-31

viewing, 28

What’s New in Windows Vista option (Welcome Center), 33

Wi-Fi networks, 614

windows. See also Explorer windows

background windows, 80

closing, 78

foreground window, 80

minimizing, 78

moving, 77

multiple windows, organizing, 96-99

resizing, 78

switching between, 79-82

translucent windows, 76-77

Windows Anytime Upgrade, 25

Windows Backup and Restore, 588-589

image backups, creating, 597-599

image backups, restoring, 599-602

incremental backups, creating, 602-606

incremental backups, restoring, 607

starting, 596

Windows Basics option (Welcome Center), 37-38

Windows Calendar, 17, 353-355


creating, 361-363

defined, 355

hiding, 355

searching for, 365-366

deleting calendars, 357

multiple calendars, 355-357

options, changing, 364-365

printing calendars, 370-371

sharing calendars, 366-369

subscribing to calendars, 369-370


creating, 363-364

defined, 355

searching for, 365-366

views, changing, 357-361

Windows Classic themes, 571

Windows Communities, 215-216

Windows Contacts, 699

Windows Defender, 482-485

Windows Explorer, 170

address bar, 134-136

customizing, 141-146

menu, viewing, 125

navigating, 124-125

shortcut keys, 758

tips for, 734-737

viewing, 124

Windows Explorer windows. See Explorer windows

Windows Fax and Scan, 524-528

Windows Firewall, 478-480

Windows for Workgroups, networking in, 616

Windows Live Messenger, 663

adding contacts, 666-668

closing chat sessions, 672

games in, 671

installing, 663-666

inviting additional contacts, 670

sending files, 670

sending/receiving chat messages, 668-670

transcripts of chat sessions, 672

video in, 671

Windows Live One Care, 471

Windows Mail, 691

checking for messages, 746

Deleted Items folder, cleaning, 744-745

email accounts, setting up, 693-697

email signatures, creating, 709-711

folders in, 692-693

importing data, 697-700

Inbox, cleaning, 746

Junk E-mail Filter, 707-709

managing email messages, 705-706


deleting messages, 722-723

file structure, 715

reading messages, 719-722

replying to messages, 722

searching messages, 724

subscribing to, 716-719

receiving email messages, 704

sending email messages, 700-702

sending web pages in email messages, 702-703

starting, 692

Windows Marketplace, 41

Windows Media Center. See Media Center

Windows Media menu, viewing, 246

Windows Media Player. See Media Player

Windows Mobility Center, laptop power settings, 578

Windows Online Help (Help and Support window), 217

Windows Photo Gallery. See Photo Gallery

Windows Sidebar. See Sidebar

Windows Sidebar Properties dialog box, 161

Windows Update, 480-482

importance of, 739-740

Windows Vista

data integration in, 750-751

editions of, 24-25

logging off, 68-69

new features, 7-9

Aero Glass, 9-11

gadgets, 22-23

Internet Explorer, 17, 19

Media Player, 21-22

Photo Gallery, 20-21

searches, 15, 17

security, 12-15

Start menu, 12

Windows Calendar, 17

rebooting, 471

registering, 36-37

shutting down, 63-64

lock mode, 66-67

options, 67-70

power usage concerns, 64

sleep mode, 64-66

troubleshooting, 70-71

software compatibility, 749-750

starting, 62-63

updating, 480-482

upgrading, 751-752

viewing version number, 572

Windows Vista Business edition, 25

Windows Vista Demos option (Welcome Center), 38

Windows Vista Enterprise edition, 25

Windows Vista Home Basic edition, 24

Windows Vista Home Premium edition, 24

Windows Vista Starter edition, 25

Windows Vista Ultimate edition, 24

Windows+D keyboard shortcut, clearing desktop windows, 81

Windows+Tab keyboard shortcut, 10

Flip 3D, 81

winks (in IM messages), 670

wired networks, 614

wireless networking cards, 615

wireless networks, 614

wireless printers, 507

.wma files, properties, 321

word wrap in WordPad, 175

WordPad, 171, 174-179

Notepad versus, 174

workgroups, 619-621

workspace (Movie Maker), 333-334

World Clock gadget, 165

Properties, setting, 160

writing gadgets, 162

WWW (World Wide Web), 630-631

Xbox 360, 240, 624

ZoneAlarm, 470

zoom settings in Internet Explorer, 640-642

zooming in/out, Microsoft Magnifier, 393-394

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