Using the More About Marriage Facts Window

The More About Marriage Facts window is where you can include additional details about a marriage. This is where you would include a divorce fact or a conflicting marriage fact.

Entering a Reference Number

The Reference number field allows you to enter any numbers or letters you choose. If you have a unique filing or pedigree system, you might use this field for that system’s reference number.



The Reference number field can hold up to 11 lowercase letters or numbers or combination thereof. The reference number can be any identification number that you would like to use. Some family associations use it for membership numbers.

Adding a Marriage Fact

Although you have already entered one marriage fact, there are others that you might need to enter—possibly a conflicting marriage date or a fact that details the end of that marriage.



If you select something like the annulment, divorce, or death of one spouse, be sure to change the Ending status to correspond with the fact.



There is a connection between the facts in the More About Marriage page and the marriage fact itself. To learn more about this and how it might pertain to unique situations in your research, see Chapter 20, “Working with Dates and Facts.”

Using the Pref’d Check Box

The Pref’d (Preferred) check box is activated when you have selected a duplicate fact. This happens when you have two conflicting dates recorded.

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