Inserting and Deleting Manual Page Breaks

If you want to force Word to start a new page, click once where you want the new page to begin; then choose Insert, Break, Page Break, and click OK (see Figure 16.4). (Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Enter.)

Figure 16.4. Manually inserted page breaks are visible as dotted lines, like this, in all views.

In general, it's easiest and cleanest to control page breaks with paragraph styles—set a page break before each paragraph with the Chapter Heading style, for example, or force all the text in a Quote style paragraph to appear on one page. That kind of page break setting belongs in the paragraph style—choose Format, Style, and select the style you want to adjust; then click the Modify button, choose Format, Paragraph, and click Line and Page Breaks tab. Even with well-designed paragraph styles, however, sometimes you'll want to force Word to start a new page at a location of your choosing.

The problem with manually inserted page breaks, of course, is that they don't change when the text changes: If you add or delete a few lines in several places in a document, you might need to adjust every manual page break—a dreary prospect indeed.

To delete all manual page breaks, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Edit, Replace (or press Ctrl+H).

  2. Clear the Find What and Replace With boxes, if necessary, and then click the More button. Clear all check boxes and all formatting.

  3. Click the Special button and choose Manual Page Break. Word adds the ^m character to the Find What box.

  4. Choose Replace All to remove every manual page break in the document.

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