Using Forms to Add and Edit List Data

Data forms provide a simple method for entering data into an Excel list. When you open a data form, Excel creates a dialog box on the fly, based on your list's column headings. When you enter data in the form, Excel fills in the correct columns, adding rows to the end of the list, if necessary.

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Although you can also use data forms to view and search for information in lists, this technique is rarely worth it. Sorts, filters, and PivotTables are much easier ways to browse a list. The advantage of using a data form for data entry is that Excel automatically adds each row that you enter to the end of the list without requiring you to reposition the active cell.

To add records to an existing list with a data form, choose Data, Form to display a dialog box like the one in Figure 25.17. (The exact arrangement of fields, of course, depends on the header row in your list.) Click the New button to add a record to the list. When you press Enter, Excel stores the new row at the end of the list and displays a blank form for the next new record. Click Close or press Esc to return to the worksheet.

Figure 25.17. When you add a new record using a data form like this one, Excel automatically adds a new row at the end of the list.

In general, using data forms to search for information is inefficient. In one specific circumstance, however, this technique is useful. Say that you have a list that contains a large number of fields, some of which are extremely wide. Editing information in this type of list is a hassle because you have to continually scroll to the right to see all the fields in your list and then scroll back to see the beginning of the next row. If you need to edit a group of related records in a list like this, use the data form to locate specific records by entering criteria that identify data in your list:

  1. Choose Data, Form to open a new data form. Click the Criteria button. Excel clears the data from the form and displays a blank box for each field in the list.

  2. Enter your criteria for each field that you want to search. You can enter text or numbers. You can also use comparison operators, such as less than (<) and greater than (>) in the criteria that you enter in a form. To find records in which a particular field is blank, enter an equals sign (=) with no other text in that field. To narrow your search, enter criteria in multiple fields.


If you search for a text string using a data form, Excel searches for fields that contain the entire string you entered. Use wildcards such as * and ? to search for fields that include a particular string. For example, type *puppy* in the Product Name field, and Excel will find any record that contains that word anywhere within its name.

  1. Click Find Next to move through the list looking for records that match the criteria you entered. If Excel can't find a matching record, you'll hear a beep. Click Find Prev to search in reverse order through the list.

If you've used a data form to add several new records to a list, but now that list doesn't work, see "No Room at the End" in the "Troubleshooting" section at the end of this chapter.

After locating records with a form, you can change any data except calculated fields. Excel inserts your changes into the list as soon as you move to another row. When you use a data form to change a value that is used in a calculated field, you won't see the change in the calculated result immediately because Excel waits to recalculate fields until you move to another record. To update the calculation, press Enter to store your changes and then (if necessary) click Find Prev to return.

To delete the record currently visible in the form, click the Delete button. The effect is the same as if you had deleted all cells from that record in the list and then shifted the remainder of the list up.


Using a data form, you can delete only one record at a time. Return to the list and select multiple rows to delete more than one record at once.


If you delete a row by mistake in Data Form view, you'll see a confirmation message warning you that you're about to delete the record permanently. Take this message seriously! When you delete a record using a data form, the Undo command is not available to restore the original data. The Restore button lets you discard changes that you've made to the current row, but only if you haven't moved to the next record and entered the changes on the worksheet.

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