Secrets of the Office Masters: Putting the {ListNum} Field to Work

The {ListNum} field offers a nearly infinite variety of formatting options. To see its most basic capability—that of consecutively numbered items inside paragraphs—consider the following figure.

The first time a {ListNum} field appears in a paragraph, it's at the highest numbering level—that's what creates a 1) in the first paragraph and a 2) in the second. The second (and subsequent) times a {ListNum} field appears, it's assumed to be at the second level—thus the a), b), c), and so on.

If you move any second-level phrases around in the paragraph, Word automatically renumbers the phrases to reflect their new location.

To create a third-level {ListNum} field, insert it into a paragraph, and then click the Increase Indent toolbar button. (You can use the l switch in the field to increase the level, but clicking the Increase Indent button is much simpler.) Third-level {ListNum} fields increment until a second-level field is encountered.


This figure also shows how turning off the Show Windows in Taskbar option will help in displaying more than one document onscreen at a time. To make room for more document and less overhead, choose Tools, Options; and on the View tab, clear the box marked Windows in Taskbar.

Figure 19.7.

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