
Importing Hyperlinks into Access

Q1:I imported a list filled with hyperlinks into an Access table, but none of my hyperlinks work properly. What happened?
A1: When you create a table by importing data, Access automatically recognizes a column that contains URLs or UNC-style file addresses and uses the Hyperlink data type for that column. However, this conversion takes place only if all the values start with a recognized prefix, such as http: or \. If even one value doesn't follow this format, Access refuses to convert the column into a Hyperlink field. Switch to Design view and change the data type for the field to Hyperlink; after you save this change, all your hyperlinks will work properly.

Juggling Multiple Relationships

Q1:I defined relationships between two or more tables, but when I open the Query window to edit an existing query, Access doesn't connect the tables with lines. What's wrong?
A1: The Relationships window enables you to define default relationships between tables. When you create a new query, Access picks up those settings and uses them. Changing the default relationship in the Relationships window has no effect on existing objects, such as queries; likewise, you can change the relationship between two tables in a query without affecting the default relationship. Re-create the relationship in the Query window so that it matches the default relationship for the two tables.

Firming Up a Relationship

Q1:According to the Edit Relationships dialog box, a relationship I established between two tables is of "Indeterminate" type. Is this a problem?
A1: Check the design of your database. You're probably trying to create a many-to-many relationship without using a junction table. If neither field is a primary key or has a unique index, Access knows that you can enter duplicate values on both sides of the relationship; as a result, it's impossible to define the relationship properly. If necessary, define a unique index for one of the fields.
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