Opening, Closing, and Creating New Documents

The most fundamental VBA commands look similar in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and FrontPage—and very different in Outlook and Access.

Using VBA to Open, Close, and Create Word Documents

In Word, the command to create a new document based on the normal document template ( looks like this:


If you want to base the new document on a different template, add the full path to the template:

Documents.Add "c: Program Files Microsoft Office Templates Company"

To open an existing file—C: My Documents Invoice1049.doc, for example—use the Open method:

|Open method


Documents.Open "C: My Documents Invoice1049.doc"

The Open method not only opens the document, it makes the newly opened document the active document—just as Word would, if you opened it by choosing File, Open.

There are three common ways to save a document. If you just want to save the currently active document, use

|Save method



On the other hand, if you know you want to save the document called "Memo to Justin.doc"—but you don't know whether it's the currently active document, you can activate it, and then close it, like this:

Documents("Memo to Justin.doc").Activate

In fact, VBA/Word doesn't require you to activate the document before you save it. This will save "Memo to Justin.doc," too:

Documents("Memo to Justin.doc").Save

The Close method works just like the Save method. All three of these are valid:

|Close method



Documents("Memo to Justin.doc").Activate

Documents("Memo to Justin.doc").Close

That looks pretty simple, but there's a lot behind the different commands. In VBA parlance, a Document is an object. In this case, the Document object is exactly what you would expect: a Word document. The Documents object is a collection of Document objects; more precisely, it's the collection of open Word documents. Documents("Invoice.doc") is the Document object called Invoice.doc.

Add is a method, an action that can be applied to the Documents collection. It adds a new Document object to the Documents collection (a nonprogrammer would say that Add creates a new document). Similarly, Open is a method that applies to the Documents collection.

Save and Close are methods, but they can be applied to either a single Document object or to the entire Documents collection. For example,


saves all open documents.

Using VBA to Open, Close, and Create Excel Workbooks

Excel works similarly to Word. The following VBA/Excel statements are all analogous to their VBA/Word counterparts:


Workbooks.Add "C: Program Files Microsoft Office Templates Company Scores.xlt"

Workbooks.Open "C: My Documents Scores20001217.xls"



Using VBA to Create a New Outlook E-mail Message or Contact

Outlook's approach to creating new e-mail messages and Contacts doesn't involve the Add method. Instead, Outlook uses something called CreateItem. There's almost no similarity at all between Outlook and Word or Excel.

The following creates a new message and displays it, so the user can fill it out:

Set message = CreateItem(olMessageItem)

And this creates a new Contact, again displaying the Contact so the user can complete it:

Set message = CreateItem(olContactItem)

The documentation claims you have to mess around with MAPI calls, create all sorts of odd objects, and the like, but that's not true. The preceding examples work perfectly well.

Using VBA to Create a New FrontPage Web File

FrontPage resembles Word and Excel in using the Add method to create new Web files. The command looks something like this:

|Add method


WebFiles.Add ""

Note that the URL must be included with an Add.

Using VBA to Open, Close, and Create PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint lives in a world of its own away from Word and Excel. All these commands work:

Presentations.Add "C: Program Files Microsoft Office Templates Company Sales.pot"
Presentations.Open "C: My Documents Sales Presentation.ppt"
Presentations("Sales Presentation.ppt").Save

However, there's no reasonable way to activate any particular open presentation. (Yes, it's theoretically possible, but the method is too convoluted to be practical.)

Using VBA to Open, Close, and Create Access Files

In Access, there's no Projects collection, and no Add method to go with it. Instead, you must deal with methods with names such as NewAccessProject, CreateAccessProject, and OpenAccessProject, which work only with the Application object. Look in the Access help files for the topic "Application Object."

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